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A Cost-Effective Methodology for Spatial Concentration Distributions of Urban Air Pollutants


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A methodology to determine economically the spatial concentration distribution of the air pollutants of carbon monoxide (CO), sulphur dioxide (SO_2), nitrogen monoxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO_2), oxides of nitrogen (NO_x) and traffic rates (TR) is described. It involves the immediate transfer of samples from field to analysers for measurement and a subsequent statistical treatment. The proposed methodology has been applied in Patras using 5 and 50-1 Teflon air sample bags, sampling at least 12 to 36-1 actual volumes within a 20-min time interval. Totally, 221 pairs of 5-1 and 112 single 50-1 samples were randomly picked in morning rush hours of working days from 64 locations of a 40.0-km~2 area during a winter period, when peaks of primary air pollutants usually occur due to high traffic rates and systematic inversions. Measurements were used to statistically calculate spatial average levels approximating 1-h mean concentrations with acceptable mean probable errors less than 25 % for indicative random sampling. The 1-h levels were strongly correlated to the corresponding traffic rates. Iso-concentration diagrams indicated possible zones susceptible to high pollution levels and helped to check the location appropriateness of the existing monitoring stations for (a) fixed urban-background measurements at the Vas. Georgiou A' Sq., which was ideal, and (b) fixed traffic-oriented measurements, which should be relocated to the Ipsilon Alonion Sq. In addition, data helped to determine other points where indicative measurements should be performed. Data could be very useful for the Patras air quality assessment in conjunction with model predictions and/or objective estimation methods.
机译:经济地确定一氧化碳(CO),二氧化硫(SO_2),一氧化氮(NO),二氧化氮(NO_2),氮氧化物(NO_x)和交通速率(TR)的空气污染物的空间浓度分布的方法描述。它涉及立即将样品从现场转移到分析仪进行测量和随后的统计处理。拟议的方法已在帕特雷使用了5和50-1特富龙空气样品袋,在20分钟的时间间隔内至少采样了12至36-1实际体积。冬季期间,通常在工作高峰期从40.0 km〜2区域的64个位置随机抽取221对5-1对和112个单一的50-1样本,这通常是由于主要空气污染物的峰值高流量和系统反转。使用测量值来统计地计算空间平均水平,该水平平均水平接近1小时平均浓度,对于指示性随机抽样,可接受的平均概率误差小于25%。 1小时的水平与相应的流量速率密切相关。等浓度图显示了可能易受高污染水平影响的区域,并有助于检查现有监测站的位置适当性,以(a)在Vas进行固定的城市背景测量。理想的Georgiou A'Sq。和(b)面向流量的固定测量,应将其重新放置到Ipsilon Alonion Sq。此外,数据有助于确定应进行指示性测量的其他点。结合模型预测和/或客观估计方法,数据对于帕特雷空气质量评估可能非常有用。



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