首页> 外文期刊>Water, Air, and Soil Pollution >Water Quality Impact from the Discharge of Coal Mine Wastes to Receiving Streams: Comparison of Impacts from an Active Mine with a Closed Mine

Water Quality Impact from the Discharge of Coal Mine Wastes to Receiving Streams: Comparison of Impacts from an Active Mine with a Closed Mine


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This study examined two underground coal mines in the Sydney basin and investigated the water chemistry impact from their wastewater discharges to surface receiving waters. One mine closed 17 years prior to the study, and the other was still active. The geology of both mine locations shared many similarities and some important differences that influenced their wastewater chemistry and its subsequent impact on receiving waterways. Water quality of wastewater discharges from the two mines and their receiving waterways was investigated over a 6-month period. Both mine discharges caused comprehensive modification to receiving water chemistry. The closed mine increased electrical conductivity (EC) 3.3 times from upstream (33 mu S/cm) compared to downstream (108 mu S/cm). In comparison, the active mine increased EC by 9.4 times (173 mu S/cm) upstream to 1628 mu S/cm downstream. Both coal mine wastes increased the concentration of different contaminants to levels that are potentially hazardous for receiving water ecosystems. The active mine increased bicarbonate concentration in the receiving water by more than 60 times to 743 mg/L. The closed mine increased zinc and nickel concentrations in its receiving stream by 70 and 20 times to 318 and 360 mu g/L. The active coal mine discharge was dominated by sodium and bicarbonate ions compared to magnesium and sulphate ions in the closed mine drainage. Although both receiving waters were sodium and chloride dominated upstream of the mine waste, their ionic composition was strongly modified due to the inflow of coal mine wastes. Results from this study are a reminder that water pollution from coal mines is important for both active mines and for closed mines decades after mining activity ceases.
机译:这项研究检查了悉尼盆地的两个地下煤矿,并研究了废水排放到地表接受水对水化学的影响。在研究之前的17年中,有一个矿井关闭了,而另一个仍在运行。两个矿场的地质都有许多相似之处,并且存在一些重要差异,这影响了它们的废水化学性质及其对接收水道的后续影响。在六个月的时间内对两个矿山及其接收水道排放的废水的水质进行了调查。两次排雷都对接收化学成分进行了全面修改。封闭矿山的电导率(EC)从上游(33μS / cm)增长到下游(108μS / cm)的3.3倍。相比之下,活跃矿山上游的EC增加了9.4倍(173μS / cm),下游增加了1628μS / cm。两种煤矿废料都将不同污染物的浓度提高到可能对接收水生态系统有害的水平。活跃的矿山使接收水中的碳酸氢盐浓度增加了60倍以上,达到743 mg / L。封闭的矿山将其接收流中的锌和镍浓度提高了70和20倍,达到318和360μg / L。与封闭矿井排水中的镁离子和硫酸根离子相比,活跃的煤矿排泄物以钠离子和碳酸氢根离子为主。尽管两种接收水都是矿山废料上游的钠和氯化物占主导地位,但由于煤矿废料的流入,它们的离子组成也发生了很大变化。这项研究的结果提醒人们,在采矿活动停止数十年后,煤矿的水污染对于活跃矿井和封闭矿井都很重要。



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