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Sampling waste printed circuit boards: Achieving the right combination between particle size and sample mass to measure metal content


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The current worldwide expansion of waste PCB (WPCB) deposits represents both a pressing environmental issue and an economic opportunity, fostering the development of numerous recycling processes across the world. An important input for designing such processes is the metallic content of WPCBs, which is assayed by grinding and leaching samples taken from the stack of WPCBs to be recycled. The content values come with substantial uncertainties, arising mainly from the uneven distribution of the metals within the structure of WPCBs. This study aims to quantify the effects on these uncertainties of the particle size, the mass of the sample digested and the number of digestion replicates. It focused on the abundance of six metals in WPCBs: Cu, Fe, Zn, Pb and Ni, and also Co, which is a critical element for the EU. A batch of 485 kg of WPCBs was put through several shredding and splitting steps to produce three fractions: one shredded to 2 mm, and two ground to 750 μm and 200 μm. From each sample, 16 samples of 0.5 g, 2 g or 5 g were digested in hot aqua regia. Bootstrapping of the results allowed the error around the mean content to be estimated, for each metal and for all the experimental conditions. Considering the largest sample masses and three replicated digestions, the uncertainties for Zn (resp. Ni) were reduced from 35% to 10% (resp. from 70% to 10%) when the particle size was reduced from 2 mm to 200 μm.
机译:WAST PCB(WPCB)存款的目前全球扩张代表了一个紧迫的环境问题和经济机会,促进了世界各地众多回收过程的发展。用于设计此类方法的重要输入是WPCB的金属含量,其通过从堆堆待回收的WPCB中研磨和浸出样品来测定。内容值具有实质性的不确定性,主要来自金属在WPCBS结构中的不均匀分布。本研究旨在量化对粒径的这些不确定性的影响,样品消化的质量和消化的数量重复。它专注于WPCBS中六种金属的丰度:Cu,Fe,Zn,Pb和Ni,以及Co,这是欧盟的关键因素。通过几种485千克WPCB进行了几种粉碎和分裂步骤,以产生三个部分:一个切碎至2mm,两个接地为750μm和200μm。从每个样品中,在热Aqua Regia中消化了16个0.5g,2g或5g的样品。对结果的启动允许估计平均内容周围的误差,每个金属和所有实验条件都是如此。考虑到最大的样品质量和三种复制的消化,Zn(RESP.NI)的不确定性从35%降至10%(ARCH。从70%至10%)减少到200mm至200μm。



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