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Operator models for delivering municipal solid waste management services in developing countries: Part B: Decision support


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This is the second of two papers reporting the results of a major study considering 'operator models' for municipal solid waste management (MSWM) in emerging and developing countries. Part A documents the evidence base, while Part B presents a four-step decision support system for selecting an appropriate operator model in a particular local situation. Step 1 focuses on understanding local problems and framework conditions; Step 2 on formulating and prioritising local objectives; and Step 3 on assessing capacities and conditions, and thus identifying strengths and weaknesses, which underpin selection of the operator model. Step 4 A addresses three generic questions, including public versus private operation, inter-municipal co-operation and integration of services. For steps 1-4A, checklists have been developed as decision support tools. Step 4B helps choose locally appropriate models from an evidence-based set of 42 common operator models (corns); decision support tools here are a detailed catalogue of the corns, setting out advantages and disadvantages of each, and a decision-making flowchart. The decision-making process is iterative, repeating steps 2-4 as required. The advantages of a more formal process include avoiding pre-selection of a particular com known to and favoured by one decision maker, and also its assistance in identifying the possible weaknesses and aspects to consider in the selection and design of operator models. To make the best of whichever operator models are selected, key issues which need to be addressed include the capacity of the public authority as 'client', management in general and financial management in particular.
机译:这是两篇论文中的第二篇,报告了一项主要研究结果,该研究考虑了新兴国家和发展中国家的城市固体废物管理(MSWM)的“运营商模型”。 A部分记录了证据基础,而B部分则提供了一个四步决策支持系统,用于在特定的本地情况下选择合适的操作员模型。步骤1着重于了解局部问题和框架条件;关于制定和优先考虑本地目标的步骤2;步骤3:评估能力和条件,从而确定优势和劣势,这是选择运营商模型的基础。步骤4 A解决了三个一般性问题,包括公共与私人运营,城市间合作和服务集成。对于步骤1-4A,已开发了清单作为决策支持工具。步骤4B帮助从基于证据的42种常见运营商模型(玉米)中选择适合本地的模型;这里的决策支持工具是玉米的详细目录,列出每种玉米的优缺点以及决策流程图。决策过程是迭代的,根据需要重复步骤2-4。更为正式的过程的优势包括避免预先选择一个决策者已知并偏爱的特定通讯社,并且还有助于确定可能的弱点和方面,以选择和设计运营商模型。为了充分利用选择的任何运营商模型,需要解决的关键问题包括作为“客户”的公共权力机构的能力,一般的管理尤其是财务管理。



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