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Modern Gothic and the House of God: Revivalism and Monasticism in Two Twentieth-Century Anglican Chapels


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In the early twentieth century, British architects increasingly turned away from the Gothic Revival towards new forms of architectural expression. However, in many key contexts and projects this style continued to evolve. Two architects, John Ninian Comper (1864-1960) and Temple Lushington Moore (1856-1920), were especially invested in medievalism and, more broadly, in the richness of architectural revivalism. Both worked in different ways within this set of practices in order to demonstrate revivalism's wide appeal for modern culture, and for sacred spaces in particular. This article compares two Church of England chapels that have received very little art historical attention, but which are linked in a series of ways. Moore's chapel for Pusey House in Oxford was completed in 1914, with additions by Comper in the 1930s. The chapel for the Anglican convent at London Colney in Hertfordshire, established by All Saints Sisters of the Poor, was designed by Comper in the 1920s and extended by his son Sebastian Comper in the 1960s. In both cases, historicism and revivalism in architecture and design heralded not a conservative return to previous generations' experiences of religion and of Anglicanism in particular, but a new way forward in liturgical ritual, social cohesion, and multisensory experiences of the sacred. In both cases, I argue, the connection between the visual cultural legacies of High Anglicanism following the Oxford Movement in the nineteenth century, and the unique characteristics of small-scale intimate worship in the all-male context of Pusey House and all-female context of London Colney, created new and intensive zones for revivalist monasticism that were as medievalist as they were modern.
机译:在20世纪初期,英国建筑师越来越多地从哥特式复兴转向新的建筑表现形式。但是,在许多关键环境和项目中,这种风格仍在继续发展。两位建筑师John Ninian Comper(1864-1960)和Temple Lushington Moore(1856-1920)被专门投资于中世纪主义,更广泛地讲究了建筑复兴主义的丰富性。两者在这套实践中都以不同的方式发挥作用,以展示复兴主义对现代文化尤其是神圣空间的广泛吸引力。本文比较了两个英格兰教会教堂,这些教堂很少受到艺术史的关注,但是以一系列方式联系在一起。摩尔在牛津大学Pusey House的小教堂于1914年竣工,Comper在1930年代进行了扩建。由穷人的所有圣徒姐妹建立的位于赫特福德郡伦敦科尔尼的英国国教修道院礼拜堂是由Comper在1920年代设计的,并由他的儿子Sebastian Comper在1960年代进行了扩建。在这两种情况下,建筑和设计中的历史主义和复兴主义都不意味着保守地回归到前几代人的宗教和英国国教的经历,而是朝着礼仪仪式,社会凝聚力和神圣的多感官体验迈出了新的道路。我认为,在这两种情况下,十九世纪牛津运动之后的高级英国国教的视觉文化遗产与普西之家和所有女性环境下的小规模亲密崇拜的独特特征之间的联系伦敦科尼分校(Condon of Colney)为复兴主义的修道院主义创建了新的密集区域,这些区域既中世纪又现代。



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