首页> 外文期刊>Urological Research >Transurethral lithotripsy with holmium-YAG laser of a large exogenous prostatic calculus

Transurethral lithotripsy with holmium-YAG laser of a large exogenous prostatic calculus


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Prostatic calculi are classified into two types, endogenous and exogenous calculi, based on their origin. Endogenous calculi are commonly observed in elderly men; however, exogenous prostatic calculi are extremely rare. We report here the case of a 51-year-old man who suffered incontinence and pollakiuria with a giant exogenous prostatic calculus almost completely replacing the prostatic tissue. X-rays and computed tomography demonstrated a large calculus of 65 × 58 mm in the small pelvic cavity. The patient underwent a transurethral lithotripsy with a holmium-YAG laser and a total of 85 g of disintegrated stones was retrieved and chemical stone analysis revealed the presence of magnesium ammonium phosphate. The incontinence improved and the voiding volume increased dramatically, and no stone recurrence in the prostatic fossa occurred at the 2 years follow-up. The etiology of this stone formation seemed to be based on some exogenous pathways combined with urinary stasis and chronic urinary infection due to compression fracture of the lumbar vertebra.
机译:前列腺结石根据其来源分为内源性结石和外源性结石两类。内生结石常见于老年男性。但是,外源性前列腺结石极为罕见。我们在这里报告一例51岁的男子,他患有大小便失禁和尿频,巨大的外源性前列腺结石几乎完全替代了前列腺组织。 X射线和计算机断层扫描显示在小骨盆腔中有一个65×58 mm的大结石。该患者用a-YAG激光行经尿道碎石术,共回收了85克崩解的结石,化学结石分析显示存在磷酸铵镁。术后2年,尿失禁得到改善,排尿量显着增加,前列腺窝未发生结石复发。这种结石的病因学似乎是基于一些外源性途径,并由于腰椎压缩性骨折而导致尿流淤滞和慢性尿路感染。



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