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V. O. Key Goes Urban: Toward Understanding a Changing Political Order

机译:V.O. Key进入城市:走向理解不断变化的政治秩序

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A body of recent work shows that the urban political arena and its analysis are undergoing a profound shift. Through a political-order concept inspired by the work of V. O. Key, this essay examines how contextual change and acts of agency combine in forming the governing arrangements that encompass cities. To unpack the change process, the analysis offered here uses a comparison between (1) the prevailing order in the several years following the close of World War II when urban redevelopment and Black mobilization were the dominant struggles and (2) the present time with its seemingly more fluid character but a backdrop of a highly partisan clash of cultures waged intergovernmentally. The comparison between the periods demonstrates the degree to which political orders can vary, with a sturdy order of redevelopment and accommodation giving way to hampered efforts to pursue urban progressivism. Even with a market economy a large presence across time, change follows no master arc but remains configurative.
机译:最近的大量工作表明,城市政治舞台及其分析正在发生深刻的变化。通过受V. O. Key的著作启发的政治秩序概念,本文研究了语境变化和代理行为如何结合起来构成涵盖城市的治理安排。为了揭示变化的过程,此处提供的分析使用了以下内容之间的比较:(1)第二次世界大战结束后几年中的主要秩序,当时城市重建和黑人动员是主要的斗争;(2)目前的情况是似乎更具流动性,但背景是政府间发动的高度党派性的文化冲突。各个时期之间的比较表明,政治秩序可以变化的程度,稳健的重建和住房秩序让位于阻碍城市进步主义的努力。即使市场经济在整个时间范围内都占有很大的份额,变化也不会占据主导地位,而是保持可配置性。



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