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Free-range village chickens on the Accra Plains, Ghana: Their contribution to households


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A cross-sectional survey investigating the contribution of free-range village chickens to household economies was carried out in four administrative districts within 60km of Accra. Answers were provided by 101 men and 99 women. Nearly all respondents claimed to keep chickens for meat, with a far smaller percentage claiming to keep them for egg production. Over 80% of respondents kept chickens to supplement their incomes. The proportion of the flock eaten varied between administrative areas (p=0.009 and p=0.027), although this was possibly a consequence of differences in consumption patterns between occupation of the respondent, land area cultivated and flock size. The proportion of chickens sold varied as a result of differences in flock size (p=0.013), the proportion sold increasing with number of birds in the flock. Respondents generally agreed that chickens could be sold without difficulty. A majority of chicken sales were from the farm gate, directly to consumers or traders. Sales were on demand or when the owner needed money. Money from the sale was kept by the owner of the chicken and the money was spent on personal needs. The proportion of the flock sold varied between administrative areas (p=0.025) and occupation of the respondent (p=0.040). Respondents describing animal production as their main occupation tended to have greater reliance on chicken sales for their income. Consideration is given to estimating the offtake from the flock and the financial contribution to the household.
机译:在阿克拉60公里以内的四个行政区进行了一项横断面调查,调查了散养乡村鸡对家庭经济的贡献。 101名男性和99名女性提供了答案。几乎所有受访者都声称将鸡作为肉食,而比例很小的人声称将鸡作为蛋生产。超过80%的受访者养鸡以增加收入。在行政区域之间,食用的羊群比例有所不同(p = 0.009和p = 0.027),尽管这可能是由于受访者的占用,耕地面积和羊群大小之间的消费方式差异造成的。由于鸡群大小的差异(p = 0.013),出售的鸡的比例也有所不同,出售的比例随着鸡群中禽鸟数量的增加而增加。受访者普遍同意,可以毫不费力地出售鸡肉。大部分的鸡肉销售都来自农场大门,直接销售给消费者或商人。销售是按需的,或者是所有者需要资金的时候。出售的钱由养鸡的人保留,这笔钱用于个人需要。在行政区域(p = 0.025)和受访者的占领(p = 0.040)之间,出售的羊群比例有所不同。将动物生产作为主要职业的受访者往往更依赖鸡肉销售来赚取收入。考虑估计羊群的摄入量和对家庭的经济贡献。



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