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The detection of antibody against peste des petits ruminants virus in Sheep, Goats, Cattle and Buffaloes


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Monoclonal antibody-based competitive ELISA (C-ELISA) has been used for the specific measurement of antibodies to peste des petits ruminants (PPR) viruses in sheep, goats, cattle and Buffalo. Serum samples from sheep (n = 232), goats (n = 428), cattle (n = 43), buffalo (n = 89) were tested. The animals had not been vaccinated against rinderpest or PPR. Findings suggested that the sero-positive cases were significantly higher in sheep (51.29%) than in goats (39.02%) (P = 0.002). The overall sero-prevalence of PPRV in small ruminants was 43.33%. The PPR antibodies seroprevalence was 67.42% in buffalo and 41.86% in cattle which was significantly higher in buffalo (P = 0.005). The overall sero-prevalence of PPRV in large ruminants was 59.09%. Cattle and buffalo sera showed a high prevalence of antibody against PPR virus which may explain the difficulty experienced in achieving high post-vaccination immunity levels against rinderpest. Because antibodies against PPR virus are both cross-neutralizing and cross-protective against rinderpest virus, further vaccination in the presence of antibodies against PPR virus may be a waste of national resources. It was also suggested that antibodies to PPR virus could prevent an immune response to the rinderpest vaccine. This paper presents serological evidence for the transmission of PPR virus from sheep and goats to cattle and buffalo and highlights the need to include PPR serology in the sero-monitoring programme to give a better indication of national herd immunity of sheep and goats against PPR.
机译:基于单克隆抗体的竞争性ELISA(C-ELISA)已用于在绵羊,山羊,牛和水牛城中特异性检测小反刍动物(PPR)病毒的抗体。测试了绵羊(n = 232),山羊(n = 428),牛(n = 43),水牛(n = 89)的血清样本。这些动物尚未接种牛瘟或PPR疫苗。研究结果表明,绵羊(51.29%)的血清阳性病例显着高于山羊(39.02%)的血清阳性病例(P = 0.002)。小型反刍动物中PPRV的总体血清感染率为43.33%。 PPR抗体的血清阳性率在水牛中为67.42%,在牛中为41.86%,在水牛中明显更高(P = 0.005)。大型反刍动物中PPRV的总体血清感染率为59.09%。牛和水牛血清显示出很高的抗PPR病毒抗体,这可能解释了在实现针对牛瘟的高疫苗接种后免疫水平方面遇到的困难。由于针对PPR病毒的抗体既可以交叉中和又可以针对牛瘟病毒进行交叉保护,因此在存在针对PPR病毒的抗体的情况下进行进一步疫苗接种可能会浪费国家资源。也有人提出抗PPR病毒的抗体可以阻止对牛瘟疫苗的免疫反应。本文提供了将PPR病毒从绵羊和山羊传播到牛和水牛的血清学证据,并强调了将PPR血清学纳入血清监测计划的必要性,以便更好地表明绵羊和山羊群对PPR的国家免疫力。



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