首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Animal Health and Production >Sarcoptic mange infestation in pigs in a hilly region of Meghalaya

Sarcoptic mange infestation in pigs in a hilly region of Meghalaya


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Skin lesions were collected from 15 adult crossbred pigs maintained at the pig farm of ICAR Research Complex for the North-Eastern Hill Region, Umiam, a hilly region of the state of Meghalaya, India. Skin scrapings of these 15 animals were examined by KOH digestion method. Presence of mites were detected in five animals which were indistinguishable from Sarcoptes scabiei var. suis. Infected pigs were treated with a single dose of Ivermectin at 200 ug/kg body weight, subcutaneously. No mites were recovered from treated pigs after a period of 10 days of post-treatment. The presence of S. scabiei var. suis in pigs from this part of the country has never been reported. This infestation has great significance because it affects the growth rate and feed conversion significantly, specially to the grower and weaned pigs. It can be concluded that S. scabiei var. suis infestation is prevalent in hilly region of Meghalaya. The pig producers are generally unaware about the severity of the problem of mite infestation, so precaution should be taken to prevent their valuable pigs from S. scabiei var. suis infestation.
机译:从位于印度梅加拉亚邦丘陵地区Umiam东北山地区ICAR研究中心养猪场的15只成年杂种猪中收集皮肤损伤。通过KOH消化法检查了这15只动物的皮肤刮痕。在五只与Sarcoptes scabiei var不能区分的动物中检测到螨虫的存在。 suis。用单剂量伊维菌素皮下注射感染的猪,剂量为200 ug / kg体重。在经过10天的治疗后,没有从处理过的猪身上回收到螨虫。 S. scabiei var。的存在从未有过该国这一地区猪的猪粪报道。这种侵扰具有重要意义,因为它会显着影响生长速度和饲料转化,特别是对种猪和断奶猪。可以得出结论,S。scabiei var。猪侵染在梅加拉亚邦的丘陵地区很普遍。养猪生产者通常不知道螨虫侵扰问题的严重性,因此应采取预防措施,以防止其有价值的猪出现链球菌。猪出没。



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