首页> 外文期刊>Tree Physiology >Nocturnal transpiration causing disequilibrium between soil and stem predawn water potential in mixed conifer forests of Idaho

Nocturnal transpiration causing disequilibrium between soil and stem predawn water potential in mixed conifer forests of Idaho


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Soil water potential (Ψs) is often estimated by measuring leaf water potential before dawn (Ψpd), based on the assumption that the plant water status has come into equilibrium with that of the soil. However, it has been documented for a number of plant species that stomata do not close completely at night, allowing for nocturnal transpiration and thus preventing nocturnal soil?plant water potential equilibration. The potential for nighttime transpiration necessitates testing the assumption of nocturnal equilibration before accepting Ψpd as a valid estimate of Ψs. We determined the magnitude of disequilibrium between Ψpd and Ψs in four temperate conifer species across three height classes through a replicated study in northern Idaho. Based on both stomatal conductance and sap flux measurements, we confirmed that the combination of open stomata and high nocturnal atmospheric vapor pressure deficit (D) resulted in nocturnal transpiration in all four species. Nocturnal stomatal conductance (gs-noc) averaged about 33% of mid-morning conductance values. We used species-specific estimates of gs-noc and leaf specific conductance to correct Ψpd values for nocturnal transpiration at the time the samples were collected. Compared with the unadjusted values, corrected values reflected a significantly higher Ψpd (when D > 0.12 kPa). These results demonstrate that comparisons of Ψpd among species, canopy height classes and sites, and across growing seasons can be influenced by differential amounts of nocturnal transpiration, leading to flawed results. Consequently, it is important to account for the presence of nocturnal transpiration, either through a properly parameterized model or by making Ψpd measurements when D is sufficiently low that it cannot drive nocturnal transpiration. Violating these conditions will likely result in underestimation of Ψs.
机译:土壤水势(Ψ s )通常通过在黎明之前测量叶片水势(Ψ pd )来估算,其前提是植物水分状况已经与土壤。然而,据记载,许多植物物种的气孔在夜间无法完全关闭,从而导致夜间蒸腾作用,从而阻止了夜间土壤与植物水势的平衡。夜间蒸腾的潜力使得在接受Ψ pd 作为Ψ s 的有效估计值之前,需要测试夜间平衡的假设。通过在爱达荷州北部进行的一项重复研究,我们确定了三种温度类别的四种温带针叶树种中Ψ pd 和Ψ s 之间的不平衡量。基于气孔导度和汁液通量的测量,我们证实了气孔开放和夜间高空气压差(D)的结合导致了所有四个物种的夜间蒸腾作用。夜间气孔电导(g s-noc )平均约为早晨中电导值的33%。我们使用物种特异性的g s-noc 和叶特异性电导率估计值来校正样本采集时夜间蒸腾的Ψ pd 值。与未调整的值相比,校正后的值反映出higher pd 明显更高(当D> 0.12 kPa时)。这些结果表明,夜间蒸腾量的不同会影响物种,冠层高度等级和部位以及整个生长季节之间Ψ pd 的比较。因此,重要的是要考虑到夜间蒸腾的存在,通过适当的参数化模型或当D足够低而无法驱动夜间蒸腾时,通过进行Ψ pd 测量。违反这些条件可能会导致Ψ s 的低估。



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