
Second moments of twisted Koecher-Maass series


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Imai considered the twisted Koecher-Maass series for Siegel cusp forms of degree 2, twisted by Maass cusp forms and Eisenstein series, and used them to prove the converse theorem for Siegel modular forms. They do not have Euler products, and it is not even known whether they converge absolutely for Re(s)1. Hence the standard convexity arguments do not apply to give bounds. In this paper, we obtain the average version of the second moments of the twisted Koecher-Maass series, using Titchmarsh’s method of Mellin inversion. When the Siegel modular form is a Saito Kurokawa lift of some half integral weight modular form, a theorem of Duke and Imamoglu says that the twisted Koecher Maass series is the Rankin-Selberg L-function of the half-integral weight form and Maass form of weight 1/2. Hence as a corollary, we obtain the average version of the second moment result for the Rankin-Selberg L-functions attached to half integral weight forms.
机译:今井考虑将扭曲的Koecher-Maass级数用于2级的Siegel尖端形式,并通过Maass尖端形式和Eisenstein系列进行扭曲,并用它们证明Siegel模块化形式的逆定理。他们没有欧拉乘积,甚至对于Re(s)> 1是否完全收敛也不知道。因此,标准凸度参数不适用于边界。在本文中,我们使用Titchmarsh的Mellin反演方法获得了扭曲的Koecher-Maass系列第二矩的平均形式。当Siegel模块化形式是Saito Kurokawa升降机的一半整体重量模块化形式时,Duke和Imamoglu定理说,扭曲的Koecher Maass系列是Halfin整体重量形式和Maass形式的Rankin-Selberg L函数。重量1/2。因此,作为推论,我们获得了附在半整数权重形式上的Rankin-Selberg L函数的第二矩结果的平均形式。



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