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Identifying environmental justice communities for transportation analysis


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Environmental justice (EJ) refers to policy and advocacy intended to achieve equitable protection from environmental harms and access to benefits across demographic groups. Research has shown that low-income communities and communities of color are often exposed to greater harms and enjoy fewer benefits from transportation systems than the general population. However, federally-mandated EJ analyses rarely conclude that projects could result in disproportionate impacts to these communities. This paper investigates the methods used to define EJ communities a key analytical step for which there is little specific guidance as a potential driver of variation in observed EJ outcomes. Using a case study of transit accessibility in Fresno County, California, the paper contrasts three methods for the identification of EJ communities: (1) a commonly used threshold-based approach that groups geographic areas using demographics, (2) a population-weighted approach that calculates weighted means of performance measures, and (3) community based identification of EJ areas. The analysis indicates that the first method is appropriate for targeting transportation investments but not for assessing EJ outcomes, while the second two methods are appropriate for assessing EJ outcomes. Importantly, the method used to define EJ communities can substantially affect the analytical outcome, potentially shifting a finding of inequity from null to positive or vice versa. These results have important implications for transportation planning agencies and transportation service providers that conduct EJ and equity analyses, as a finding of inequity may lead to design changes or mitigations. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:环境正义(EJ)是指旨在实现公平保护以免受到环境损害和跨人口群体获取利益的政策和倡导。研究表明,与普通人群相比,低收入社区和有色人种社区经常遭受更大的危害,而交通运输系统所带来的利益却更少。但是,联邦授权的EJ分析很少得出结论,即项目可能对这些社区造成不成比例的影响。本文研究了用于定义EJ社区的方法,这是一个关键的分析步骤,为此,几乎没有具体的指导作为观察到的EJ结果变化的潜在驱动因素。本文以加利福尼亚州弗雷斯诺县的公交可达性为例,对三种识别EJ社区的方法进行了对比:(1)一种常用的基于阈值的方法,该方法使用人口统计学对地理区域进行分组;(2)人口加权方法计算绩效指标的加权平均值,以及(3)基于社区的EJ区域标识。分析表明,第一种方法适合于针对运输投资,但不适用于评估EJ成果,而后两种方法则适合于评估EJ成果。重要的是,用于定义EJ社区的方法会极大地影响分析结果,从而可能将不平等的发现从无效变为积极,反之亦然。这些结果对进行EJ和权益分析的运输规划机构和运输服务提供商具有重要意义,因为发现不平等可能会导致设计变更或缓解。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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