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Integrated Safety Management System and Iowa Safety Management System: Introduction to Workshop Results


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Introduced are the ideas found in the integrated safety management system (ISMSystem), published as National Cooperative Highway Research Program Report 501. The ISMSystem is founded upon the principle that aligning the activities of different agencies within a jurisdiction can result in a level of safety unobtainable by those agencies working independently and in decision-making isolation. In addition to providing highway safety benefits, implementing the ISMSystem should result in cost savings when the resources of different agencies are pooled and shared. The ISMSystem describes an organizational structure that includes a coalition of highway safety agencies that develops a common mission and vision at the highest level of management. Safety professionals with expertise in relevant emphasis areas are recruited into teams to address the specific goals set out by the coalition and in doing so produce action plans that integrate the activities of the implementing agencies. The integrated safety management process describes the process for going from crash data to integrated action plans to increase safety. A workshop introducing safety professionals to the ISMSystem and allowing multidisciplinary teams to practice developing strategies to address safety emphasis areas has been recently conducted in the state of Iowa. The key lessons from the Iowa workshop are summarized, including the need for setting quantifiable safety goals, the need for both horizontal and vertical agency integration, interaction among emphasis areas, and the types of issues the ISMSystem is designed to address.
机译:引入了在综合安全管理系统(ISMSystem)中发现的思想,该思想以《国家合作高速公路研究计划报告501》的形式发布。ISMSystem建立在以下原则上:协调辖区内不同机构的活动可能导致无法获得安全水平由那些独立运作并孤立于决策的机构。除了提供高速公路安全效益外,在汇总和共享不同机构的资源时,实施ISMSystem还可以节省成本。 ISMSystem描述了一个组织结构,其中包括高速公路安全机构联盟,该联盟在最高管理水平上制定了共同的使命和愿景。在相关重点领域具有专长的安全专业人员被招入团队,以实现联盟设定的具体目标,并在此过程中制定出将实施机构的活动整合在一起的行动计划。集成安全管理过程描述了从碰撞数据到集成行动计划以提高安全性的过程。最近在爱荷华州举办了一个讲习班,向ISM系统介绍了安全专业人员,并允许多学科团队练习制定解决安全重点领域的策略。总结了来自爱荷华州研讨会的主要经验教训,包括确定可量化的安全目标,水平和垂直机构整合的需求,重点领域之间的相互作用以及ISMSystem旨在解决的问题类型。



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