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Rail Clearways for Sydney


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Details of the proposed Rail Clearways Plan for Sydney's CityRail network have been released by CityRail. RailCorp's Rail Clearways Plan is a $1 billion initiative to improve capacity and reliability on CityRail's Sydney suburban network, presently recognised as one of the more complex in the world. The plan is a response to increasing Government and public concerns with poor performance of services following a period of severe problems caused by staffing shortages, rolling stock unreliability, train shortages due to late deliveries of new carriages and growing congestion. Some of the clearway ideas are quite old and were evident in the Christie Report, while other issues have been becoming evident for years. It has taken the service chaos of early 2004 - with an election looming - to prompt action at a political level. The result was a deferral of major new lines while works were undertaken to eliminate bottlenecks and train path conflicts, and the planned separation of the routes into segregated operating areas (called clearways from the obvious road connotation). This decision was followed by a new timetable in July which introduced some elements of clearway practices.
机译:CityRail已发布了悉尼CityRail网络拟议的Rail Clearways计划的详细信息。 RailCorp的Rail Clearways计划是一项耗资10亿澳元的计划,旨在提高CityRail悉尼郊区网络的容量和可靠性,该网络目前被认为是世界上最复杂的网络之一。该计划是对政府和公众日益增加的关注,即由于人员短缺,机车车辆不可靠,由于新车交付晚和交通拥堵造成的火车短缺等严重问题,服务水平下降的反应。一些清晰的想法很古老,并且在科视Christie报告中很明显,而其他问题多年来已经变得很明显。它在2004年初的服务混乱中-选举临近-在政治层面上采取了迅速行动。结果是推迟了主要的新线路,同时进行了消除瓶颈和火车路径冲突的工作,并计划将路线分隔为隔离的操作区域(从明显的道路涵义中称为畅通道路)。这项决定之后是7月的新时间表,其中介绍了高速公路惯例的一些要素。



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