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Analysis of Decay Heat Measurements for BWR Fuel Assemblies


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Due to advances in fuel and core design and fuel cycle optimization, the burnup range of assemblies discharged from commercial reactors has been steadily extended to higher values. In order to determine the accuracy of decay heat predictions for high-burnup spent fuel, current analysis methodologies and computer codes need to be validated to cover a larger enrichment and burnup domain. The scarcity of available experimental measurements required for this validation makes the endeavor rather difficult. An experimental program recently initiated at the Central Interim Storage Facility (CLAB) in Sweden to perform calorimeter measurements on full-length assemblies provides valuable thermal decay heat data for both BWR and PWR assembly designs over a large burnup range. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), a collaborator in this program through support from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), is evaluating the measurements with the SCALE 5 computer code system.
机译:由于燃料和堆芯设计的进步以及燃料循环的优化,从商业反应堆中排出的组件的燃耗范围已稳步扩大到更高的值。为了确定高燃耗乏燃料的衰减热预测的准确性,需要验证当前的分析方法和计算机代码,以涵盖更大的浓缩和燃耗范围。验证所需的可用实验测量的稀缺性使得这项工作相当困难。最近在瑞典中央临时存储设施(CLAB)上启动的一项实验程序,用于对全长组件进行量热计测量,从而为大燃耗范围内的BWR和PWR组件设计提供了有价值的热衰减热数据。在美国核监管委员会(NRC)的支持下,该计划的合作者Oak Ridge国家实验室(ORNL)正在使用SCALE 5计算机代码系统评估测量结果。



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