首页> 外文期刊>Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions >Crime and Punishment in Communist Czechoslovakia: The Case of General Heliodor Pka and his Prosecutor Karel Va

Crime and Punishment in Communist Czechoslovakia: The Case of General Heliodor Pka and his Prosecutor Karel Va

机译:共产捷克斯洛伐克的犯罪与惩罚:赫里奥多尔·普卡将军及其检察官卡雷尔·瓦(Karel Va)案

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Shortly after the Communist Putsch in February 1948, General Heliodor Pika, deputy chief of the general staff and former head of the Military Mission in the USSR, was arrested by the Communist-controlled security services and accused of high treason as a British spy. He was to be sentenced on trumped-up charges and executed in 1949. This was the beginning of bloody purges in Czechoslovakia under the Communist regime. The story becomes more complex, allowing a rare insight into the mechanism of pseudo-justice in that country, by the fate of Pika's prosecutor, Karel Va, who alternates in the role of crime perpetrator and crime victim.
机译:1948年2月共产党执政的普希之后不久,总参谋部副部长兼前苏联军事特派团团长赫利奥多·皮卡将军被共产党控制的安全部门逮捕,并被指控为叛国罪,是英国间谍。 1949年,他被大肆宣判并处以死刑。这是共产党政权下捷克斯洛伐克血腥清洗的开始。故事变得更加复杂,皮卡(Pika)的检察官卡雷尔·瓦(Karel Va)的命运交替出现,让人们对该国的伪正义机制有了罕见的见解,而卡勒·瓦(Karel Va)则交替担任犯罪者和犯罪受害者的角色。



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