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Framed continua have unique n-fold hyperspace suspension


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For a metric continuum X and a positive integer n, we consider the hyperspaces C-n (X) (respectively, F-n(X)) of all nonempty closed subsets of X with at most n components (respectively, n points). Let HSn (X) be the quotient space C-n(X)/F-n(X) which is obtained from C-n (X) by identifying F-n (X) into a one-point set. In this paper we prove that if X is a framed continuum and Y is a continuum such that HSn (X) is homeomorphic to HSn(Y), then X is homeomorphic to Y. This result generalizes the work of David Herrera-Carrasco, Alejandro Illanes, Fernando Macias-Romero and Francisco Vazquez-Juarez who previously proved the corresponding result for finite graphs. This answers a question by Alejandro Illanes. (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.
机译:对于度量连续体X和一个正整数n,我们考虑X的所有非空封闭子集的超空间C-n(X)(分别为F-n(X)),该子集最多具有n个分量(分别为n个点)。令HSn(X)为商空间C-n(X)/ F-n(X),它是通过将F-n(X)识别为一点集而从C-n(X)获得的。在本文中,我们证明了,如果X是一个框架连续体,而Y是一个连续体,使得HSn(X)与HSn(Y)同胚,则X对Y同胚。该结果推广了David Herrera-Carrasco,Alejandro的工作。 Illanes,Fernando Macias-Romero和Francisco Vazquez-Juarez先前证明了有限图的相应结果。这回答了Alejandro Illanes的问题。 (C)2015由Elsevier B.V.发布



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