首页> 外文期刊>The Tokai Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine >The Sharing of Target-Epitopes between Human Anti-ABO Hemagglutinating and Anti-Pig (Xeno) Endothelium or Anti-Pig Thyroglobulin Antibodies

The Sharing of Target-Epitopes between Human Anti-ABO Hemagglutinating and Anti-Pig (Xeno) Endothelium or Anti-Pig Thyroglobulin Antibodies


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To select congenial pairs between donor-pig and recipient-human for the future xenotrans- plantation, the levels of xeno-IgM natural antibodies (NAb) were analyzed in healthy subjects and hemodialysis patients by ELISA tests, which target swine-derived crude endothelial cells (P16N) or proteins (thyroglobulin; TG). The total IgM concentration was lower in hemodialysis patients than in healthy subjects, but there was no difference in IgM NAb titer between the two groups. Individuals with non-B blood types (A, O) exibited significantly higher IgM NAb titer compared with those with B blood types (B, AB). A blood type individuals showed higher killing activity against P16N than those with B, AB or O types with a statistical significance. Sera from A blood type, after being absorbed with red blood cells (RBC) from B blood type, decreased their IgM titer against TG to the level of sera from B blood type. Meanwhile, sera from A blood type significantly decreased hemagglutinin titer against B-RBC after passage through a TG-coated affinity column. We conclude that human anti-B-RBC and anti-Pig xeno NAb have certain common binding epitopes, which might be a branched B carbohydrate structure.
机译:为了选择供体猪和受体人类之间的同类对以用于将来的异种移植,通过ELISA试验分析了健康受试者和血液透析患者中​​异种-IgM天然抗体(NAb)的水平,该试验针对猪衍生的粗内皮细胞(P16N)或蛋白质(甲状腺球蛋白; TG)。血液透析患者的总IgM浓度低于健康受试者,但两组之间的IgM NAb滴度没有差异。与非B血型(B,AB)相比,非B血型(A,O)个体的IgM NAb滴度明显更高。血型个体对P16N的杀伤活性高于B,AB或O型个体,具有统计学意义。 A型血的血清被B型血的红细胞(RBC)吸收后,其针对TG的IgM滴度降低至B型血的血清水平。同时,来自A型血的血清经过TG包被的亲和柱后,血凝素针对B-RBC的滴度显着降低。我们得出的结论是,人抗B-RBC和抗猪异种NAb具有某些共同的结合表位,可能是分支的B碳水化合物结构。



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