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The Wife Beaters Of Kibale


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You reach Harvard university's biological anthropology department by climbing five flights of fusty wooden stairs in the Peabody Museum in Cambridge, Mass. It's an old building, haunted by the remnants of long lost tribes and the ghosts of an era when anthropologists thought nothing of collecting the paraphernalia of ancestor worship, not to mention the bones of the ancestors themselves. But it's not bones that have brought me to the Peabody today. I've made the climb to meet Carole Hooven, a young graduate student in biological anthropology, and Richard Wrangham, one of the world's leading experts on chimpanzee behavior. They want to show me a collection of what look like sturdy but quite ordinary sticks. These lengths of wood have a special meaning for Hooven and for science, especially the stick that's shaped like a divining rod with a crook at the end. The last time she saw it, in January 1999 in Uganda's Kibale forest, it was in the hands of a big male chimp called Imoso who was using it to beat mercilessly a female named Outam-ba. As a woman, Hooven felt sick at heart at the violence directed at the smaller chimp. But as a scientist, it exhilarated her. She had never read about anything like this. Trembling, she rushed back to camp to report to Wrangham. He listened in silence and then shook her hand. This was a historic moment. While there are a few scattered accounts of chimps wielding sticks against prey or predators, no one before had ever seen a wild animal repeatedly, unambiguously―and with malice and forethought―use a tool as a weapon against its own kind.
机译:您可以在马萨诸塞州剑桥市的皮博迪博物馆(Peabody Museum)爬上五个飞快的木质楼梯,到达哈佛大学的生物人类学系。这是一栋古老的建筑,被久违的部落遗留下来,而那个时代的鬼魂曾困扰着人类学家,他们想着不要收集祖先崇拜的用具,更不用说祖先自己的骨头了。但是今天带我到皮博迪的并不是骨头。我进行了攀登,认识了生物人类学的年轻研究生Carole Hooven和黑猩猩行为的全球领先专家之一Richard Wrangham。他们想给我看一些看起来坚固但很普通的木棍。这些木材长度对于霍文(Houven)和科学都有特殊的意义,特别是形状像占卜杆末端带有弯曲的棍棒。她最后一次看到它时是在1999年1月,在乌干达的基巴莱森林中,它是由一只叫做Imoso的大黑猩猩控制的,它用它无情地殴打了一个名叫Outam-ba的雌性。作为一名妇女,霍文对小黑猩猩的暴力行为感到内sick。但是作为一名科学家,这使她很振奋。她从未读过类似这样的东西。颤抖着,她赶回营地,向Wrangham报告。他沉默地听着,然后与她握手。这是一个历史性的时刻。尽管有一些黑猩猩散布着树枝对猎物或掠食者的说法,但从来没有人见过如此反复,毫不含糊地,怀有恶意和有预见性的野生动物,使用这种工具作为对抗自己种类的武器。



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