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Private History


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It is a classic story. The demure small-town librarian swept off her feet by the handsome prince-a story with its roots in Cinderella ... and also, in this case, in the rather unbelievable recent history of our country. The librarian is smart and attractive but almost catatonic with guilt: her carelessness behind the wheel once caused the death of a good friend. The prince is charming, as advertised, but also carefree in a way that the librarian envies and mistrusts. He adores her, without question. She succumbs, with reservations. In Curtis Sittenfeld's brilliant novel American Wife, their names are Alice Lindgren and Charles Blackwell, and they come from Wisconsin. But we also know them, on the evening news, as Laura Welch and George W. Bush from Texas.
机译:这是一个经典的故事。这位镇定自大的小镇图书管理员被一位英俊的王子off脚,这是一个源于灰姑娘的故事……在这种情况下,还涉及到我国近乎令人难以置信的近期历史。图书管理员很聪明,很吸引人,但几乎会感到内:她对方向盘的粗心大意曾经导致一个好朋友的死亡。正如所宣传的那样,王子是迷人的,但也无忧无虑,使馆员羡慕和不信任。他毫无疑问地崇拜她。她屈服于保留。在柯蒂斯·西腾费尔德(Curtis Sittenfeld)的出色小说《美国妻子》中,他们的名字叫爱丽丝·林格伦和查尔斯·布莱克威尔,他们来自威斯康星州。但在晚间新闻中,我们也知道他们是来自德克萨斯州的劳拉·韦尔奇(Laura Welch)和乔治·W·布什(George W. Bush)。



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