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The Moment


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So there's a steroid that makes an athlete stronger without inflating him like Bluto. Who knew? It's called Primobolan, and Yankees superstar Alex Rodriguez has admitted using it in 2003 as a Texas Ranger. Given recent scandals, fans may soon need a chemistry degree to read the sports pages. Deca-Durabolin, stanozolol, human growth hormone, Depo-Testosterone, the cream, the clear-you can't keep 'em straight without a program. The news, first reported by Sports Illustrated, that perhaps the best player in the game used to juice was depressing-but maybe not shocking. Baseball's drug problems are as durable as horse-hide, and A-Rod's Primobolan boosters were arguably less dangerous than Mickey Mantle's experiences with booze and speed.
机译:因此,有一种类固醇可以使运动员变得更强壮,而不会像Bluto那样使他膨胀。谁知道?它被称为Primobolan,洋基队的超级巨星Alex Rodriguez于2003年承认将其用作德州游骑兵。鉴于最近的丑闻,球迷们可能很快就会需要化学学位才能阅读体育页面。 Deca-Durabolin,康力龙,人类生长激素,Depo-睾丸激素,面霜,透明剂-如果没有程序,您将无法保持直觉。该消息最早由《体育画报》(Sports Illustrated)报道,也许过去用来榨汁的最佳球员令人沮丧,但也许并不令人震惊。棒球的毒品问题与马术一样持久,而且A-Rod的Primobolan助推器的危险性可以说比Mickey Mantle的醉酒和速度体验低。



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