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The warlord as arbitrageur


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This article seeks to generate a more precise understanding of the emergence and perpetuation of warlords. First, it offers a simple, intuitive, and empirically grounded conceptual definition of warlordism. Second, it argues that the primary factor contributing to the success of warlords is the ability to take advantage of price differentials for political, economic, and cultural goods across terrains—in a word, to arbitrage. Third, it illustrates this model with a case study of Khun Sa (1934–2007), the self-proclaimed Shan freedom-fighter and “king” of Burma’s heroin trade. Finally, it suggests that the international community rethink its commitment to the norm of sovereignty in order to combat the proliferation of such non-state violence-wielders.
机译:本文旨在对军阀的出现和永存产生更精确的了解。首先,它提供了一种简单,直观且基于经验的军阀主义概念定义。其次,它认为促成军阀成功的主要因素是能够利用跨地域的政治,经济和文化产品的价格差异来进行套利的能力。第三,它以Khun Sa(1934–2007),自称Shan邦自由战士和缅甸海洛因贸易的“国王”的案例研究为例,说明了这种模式。最后,它建议国际社会重新考虑其对主权规范的承诺,以打击这种非国家暴力行为者的扩散。



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