首页> 外文期刊>Theoretical Ecology >Matrix models and sensitivity analysis of populations classified by age and stage: a vec-permutation matrix approach

Matrix models and sensitivity analysis of populations classified by age and stage: a vec-permutation matrix approach


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Matrix population models in which individuals are classified by both age and stage can be constructed using the vec-permutation matrix. The resulting age-stage models can be used to derive the age-specific consequences of a stage-specific life history or to describe populations in which the vital rates respond to both age and stage. I derive a general formula for the sensitivity of any output (scalar, vector, or matrix-valued) of the model, to any vector of parameters, using matrix calculus. The matrices describing age-stage dynamics are almost always reducible; I present results giving conditions under which population growth is ergodic from any initial condition. As an example, I analyze a published stage-specific model of Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius), an invasive perennial shrub. Sensitivity analysis of the population growth rate finds that the selection gradients on adult survival do not always decrease with age but may increase over a range of ages. This may have implications for the evolution of senescence in stage-classified populations. I also derive and analyze the joint distribution of age and stage at death and present a sensitivity analysis of this distribution and of the marginal distribution of age at death.
机译:可以使用vec-置换矩阵来构建按年龄和阶段对个体进行分类的矩阵人口模型。所得的年龄阶段模型可用于得出特定阶段生活史的特定年龄后果,或用于描述生命率对年龄和阶段都有反应的人群。我使用矩阵演算,得出了模型的任何输出(标量,向量或矩阵值)对任何参数向量的敏感性的通用公式。描述年龄动态的矩阵几乎总是可简化的。我给出的结果给出了从任何初始条件都可以遍历人口增长的条件。例如,我分析了一种已发布的特定阶段的苏格兰扫帚(Cytisus scoparius)的模型,这是一种入侵性多年生灌木。对人口增长率的敏感性分析发现,成年生存的选择梯度并不总是随着年龄的增长而降低,而是随着年龄的增长而增加。这可能对阶段分类人群的衰老进化有影响。我还推导并分析了死亡时年龄和阶段的联合分布,并对这种分布以及死亡时的边缘分布进行了敏感性分析。



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