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Longwave incoming radiation in the Tropics: results from field work in three African cities


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This study investigates differences in longwave incoming radiation (L↓) within and between three African cities, Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), and Gaborone (Botswana), during the dry season, and evaluates the performance of a model to simulate these fluxes. In each city, direct observations of L↓, shortwave incoming radiation (K↓), air temperature, air humidity, and total suspended particle (TSP) concentration for three land uses (CBD, green residential, and traditional residential) were taken. The observed L↓ flux decreases with increasing latitude, and temperature becomes an increasingly important factor in governing L↓ variations further from the Equator. Humidity, as well as particle loading, differs significantly between the three cities. Differences between observed and modelled ε_(sky) for rural stations near all cities showed a clear diurnal variation, with maximum differences of 0.08 between day and night. This diurnal difference was incorporated in the model and, for urban areas the model overestimates L↓, by around 25 Wm~(-2). However, this model performs equally well regardless of the land use considered in any of the cities. The residual (difference between observed and modelled urban L?) did not show any correlation with particulate pollution. However, the difference between observed and calculated ε_(sky) is around 0.05 higher in Ouagadougou compared to the other cities, likely due to the heavy dust load observed here. It is concluded that tropical urban longwave radiation is not dramatically different from the mid latitudes.
机译:这项研究调查了三个非洲城市(达累斯萨拉姆(坦桑尼亚),瓦加杜古(布基纳法索)和哈博罗内(博茨瓦纳))在旱季期间及其之间的长波入射辐射(L↓)的差异,并评估了模型的性能模拟这些通量。在每个城市中,直接观察了三种土地用途(CBD,绿色住宅和传统住宅)的L↓,短波入射辐射(K↓),气温,空气湿度和总悬浮颗粒(TSP)浓度。观测到的L↓通量随着纬度的增加而减小,并且温度成为控制L↓变化(距赤道更远)的越来越重要的因素。三个城市之间的湿度以及颗粒物含量差异很大。在所有城市附近的农村站点,观测到的ε_(天空)与模型ε_(天空)之间的差异表现出明显的昼夜变化,昼夜最大差异为0.08。这个昼夜差异被纳入模型,对于城市地区,模型高估了L↓约25 Wm〜(-2)。但是,无论在任何城市中考虑的土地使用方式如何,该模型都表现良好。残留量(观察到的和模拟的城市L的差异)与颗粒物污染没有相关性。然而,在瓦加杜古,观测到的和计算出的ε_(天空)之间的差异比其他城市大0.05倍左右,这可能是由于这里观测到的尘埃过多所致。结论是,热带城市长波辐射与中纬度没有显着差异。



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