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A quick tour of Internet and the Information Superhighway Part 2: Making the connection


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In Part I of this article, (TLE, March 1995 or http://sep www.stanford.edu/seg/tle/ross.etal/tle.pl.html) we gave an overview of different pieces of Internet (the Net) and the World Wide Web (WWW or the Web). We discussed email, FTP, Telnet, and Web browsers like Mosaic, and we even did this omitting captions to our figures! Whereas Part 1 demonstrated potential uses of the Net, this article focuses on how to connect to it and access WWW. We show that there are relatively inexpensive ways to do this from home or office even for individuals with limited resources. Hopefully, many of you have surfed the Web and have stopped by SEG's Website.
机译:在本文的第一部分(1995年3月,TLE或http:// sep www.stanford.edu/seg/tle/ross.etal/tle.pl.html)中,我们概述了Internet的不同部分)和万维网(WWW或Web)。我们讨论了电子邮件,FTP,Telnet和诸如Mosaic之类的Web浏览器,甚至没有为我们的图形添加字幕!第1部分演示了网络的潜在用途,而本文重点介绍如何连接到网络和访问WWW。我们表明,即使对于资源有限的个人,也有相对便宜的方法可以从家里或办公室进行此操作。希望你们中的许多人已经上网冲浪,并被SEG网站所阻止。



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