首页> 外文期刊>The Kasetsart Journal >Effect of Soil Amendment with Urea and Calcium Oxide on Survival of Ralstonia solanacearum, the Causal Agent of Bacterial Wilt or Rhizome Rot of Ginger

Effect of Soil Amendment with Urea and Calcium Oxide on Survival of Ralstonia solanacearum, the Causal Agent of Bacterial Wilt or Rhizome Rot of Ginger


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The effect of soil amendment with urea and calcium oxide on survival of Ralstonia solanacearum, the causal agent of bacterial wilt or rhizome rot of ginger, was studied by mixing urea and calcium oxide at the rate of 80: 800 kg/rai in the artificial infested soil with 2.83 x 10~7 cm/ml of bacteria. The treated soil was left one week before transplanting the two months old gingers. The soil was sampled during week 0 - 4 to evaluate the population of R. solanacearum and to compare with the control by serial dilution method and spread plate on SM-1 medium. The experiment showed that the population of R. solanaceamm in the soil amendment with urea and calcium oxide decreased from 0.88 x 10~7 cfu/ml to 0.15 x 10~5 cfu/ml in week one, 0.1 x 10~4 cfu/ml in week two and 0 cfu/ml in week three. The control treatment still contained high population level of 0.26 x 10~7 cfu/ml in week one, 0.13 x 10~6 cfu/ml in week two and three and 0.11x 10~6 cfu/ml in week four. This population level could cause typical wilt of the tested gingers. The tested gingers transplanted in the treated soil showed no symptom. The decrease of bacteria in the treated soil was due to the toxicity of ammonium, ammonia and nitrate degraded from urea in high pH soil condition (average 7.0-7.2). Therefore the soil amendment with urea and calcium oxide at the rate of 80 : 800 kg/rai is recommended to decrease population of R. solanacearum in the infested fields for bacterial wilt control. The treated soil should be left at least 3 weeks before planting a new crop to avoid toxicating to ginger seedlings.
机译:尿素和氧化钙以80:800 kg / rai的比例在人工感染的情况下进行了混合肥,研究了尿素和氧化钙对土壤的改良对青枯菌(Ralstonia solanacearum)存活的影响。 2.83 x 10〜7 cm / ml的细菌在移植两个月大的生姜之前,将处理过的土壤放置一周。在第0-4周对土壤取样,以评估青枯菌的数量,并通过系列稀释法和在SM-1培养基上铺板与对照进行比较。实验表明,用尿素和氧化钙对土壤进行改良的茄科罗汉果种群从第一周的0.88 x 10〜7 cfu / ml降至0.15 x 10〜5 cfu / ml,0.1 x 10〜4 cfu / ml在第二周时的结果为0 cfu / ml,在第三周时的结果为0。对照治疗在第一周仍然具有较高的种群水平,为0.26 x 10〜7 cfu / ml,在第二和第三周为0.13 x 10〜6 cfu / ml,在第四周为0.11x 10〜6 cfu / ml。这种人口水平可能会导致典型的测试姜枯萎。在处理过的土壤中移植的测试生姜没有任何症状。处理过的土壤中细菌的减少是由于在高pH值土壤条件下(平均7.0-7.2)尿素降解的铵,氨和硝酸盐的毒性所致。因此,建议以80:800 kg / rai的比例用尿素和氧化钙对土壤进行改良,以减少感染青枯菌田中青枯菌的种群,以控制青枯病。在播种新作物之前,应将处理过的土壤至少保留3周,以免对生姜产生毒害。



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