首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Navigation >Approximation of a Great Circle by using a Circular Arc on a Mercator Chart

Approximation of a Great Circle by using a Circular Arc on a Mercator Chart


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This paper describes George Biddell Airy's almost completely unknown method of approximating an orthodromic arc (great circle arc) using a circular arc in the normal aspect Mercator projection of a sphere. In addition, it is demonstrated that the centre of the circle can be defined in at least two different ways, which yields slightly different results. Airy's approach is built upon in this paper. The method of computing coordinates of Airy's circle arc centre is described. The formulae derived in the paper can be used to calculate the length of Airy's approximation of the orthodromic arc connecting two points on the sphere and on the Mercator chart. Moreover, the actual length of the orthodromic arc on the sphere and on the Mercator chart can be computed using the formulae derived in this paper. The purpose of the paper is not to suggest an application of Airy's method in navigation, but to analyse Airy's proposal and to show that a great circle arc on a Mercator chart is close to a circular arc for distances which are not too great. This property can be useful in education, having in mind that the stereographic projection is the only one that maps any circle on a sphere onto a circle in the projection plane.
机译:本文介绍了乔治·比德尔·艾里(George Biddell Airy)几乎完全未知的方法,该方法在球的Mercator投影的法向投影中使用圆弧近似正畸弧(大圆弧)。此外,证明了可以至少两种不同的方式定义圆心,从而产生略有不同的结果。本文基于艾里的方法。描述了艾里圆弧中心坐标的计算方法。本文中得出的公式可用于计算连接球体和墨卡托图表上两个点的正畸弧的艾里近似值的长度。此外,可以使用本文推导的公式来计算球面上和墨卡托图表上的正畸弧的实际长度。本文的目的不是要建议艾里方法在导航中的应用,而是要分析艾里的建议,并表明墨卡托图表上的大圆弧在距离不太大的情况下接近圆弧。请记住,立体投影是将球体上的任何圆映射到投影平面中的圆的唯一方法,因此该属性在教育中可能很有用。



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