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Achieving Biden's EJ Agenda


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One of the new administration's most ambitious goals is to reorient federal policymaking to prioritize environmental justice. President Biden signed Executive Order 14008 on January 27 to "secure environmental justice and spur economic opportunity for disadvantaged communities that have been historically marginalized and overburdened by pollution and under investment." Many applauded the administrations swift and comprehensive commitment, including Robert Bullard, known as "the father of environmental justice," who said the president's "all in one" approach is an "advancement in accepting what environmental justice really is." Bullard believes the order "sends a clear message that at the highest level of government, these actions will be taken seriously." Yet he along with many other advocates of what in this article we'll call EJ acknowledge that the road ahead will not be easy.If the administration is to execute on EO 14008, it will have to confront data and programmatic gaps in the government's ability to identify and map EJ communities, assess the cumulative impacts of proposed government actions, and make EJ an enforcement priority. This article addresses the key challenges to accomplishing the administration's stated goal and identifies discrete actions that the government could take to update its EJ data collection capabilities; establish EJ as a key component of environmental enforcement strategy; and incorporate EJ criteria into siting, rulemaking, and permitting.
机译:新政府最雄心勃勃的目标之一是重新定向联邦政策制定,以优先考虑环境司法。拜登总统于1月27日签署了执行令14008年,以“安全的环境司法,并为缺失的社区刺激经济机会,这些社区被污染和投资负担过度地被边缘化和负担过重。”许多人鼓掌迅速和综合承诺,包括罗伯特·牛城,被称为“环境司法之父”,他说总统的“一切”方法是“接受环境正义的进步”。 Bullard相信订单“在最高政府的最明确的信息发出明确的信息,这些行动将得到重视。”然而,他和许多其他倡导者在本文中,我们将致电EJ承认,前方的道路并不容易。如果管理是在EO 14008上执行,则必须面对政府能力的数据和程序差距。要识别和绘制EJ社区,评估拟议的政府行动的累积影响,并使EJ成为执法优先事项。本文涉及实现政府所规定的目标的关键挑战,并确定政府可以采取的离散行动来更新其EJ数据收集能力;建立EJ作为环境执法战略的关键组成部分;并将EJ标准合并到选址,规则制作和允许中。



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