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Generic Construction of Certificate-Based Encryption from Certificateless Encryption Revisited


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Certificateless public key encryption (CLE) and certificate-based encryption (CBE) are motivated to simultaneously solve the heavy certificate management problem inherent in the traditional public key encryption (PKE) and the key escrow problem inherent in the identity-based encryption (IBE). Al-Riyami and Paterson proposed a general conversion from CLE to CBE, which is neat and natural. Kang and Park pointed out a flaw in their security proof. Wu et al. proposed another generic conversion from CLE to CBE which additionally involves collision resistant hash functions. It remains an open problem whether the generic conversion due to Al-Riyami and Paterson is provably secure or not. We are motivated to solve this open problem. Our basic idea is to enhance Type Ⅱ adversary's power a little by allowing it to conditionally replace a user's public key. We first formalize a new security model of CLE in this way. Then, we succeed in proving that the Al-Riyami-Paterson generic conversion from CLE to CBE is secure, if the CLE scheme is secure in our new security model. Finally, a concrete provably secure CBE scheme is presented to demonstrate the applicability of our result.
机译:无证书公钥加密(CLE)和基于证书的加密(CBE)旨在同时解决传统公钥加密(PKE)固有的繁琐的证书管理问题和基于身份的加密(IBE)固有的密钥托管问题。 Al-Riyami和Paterson提出了从CLE到CBE的一般转换,这很自然。 Kang和Park指出了他们的安全证明存在缺陷。 Wu等。提出了另一种从CLE到CBE的通用转换,该转换还涉及抗碰撞哈希函数。 Al-Riyami和Paterson产生的通用转换是否可证明是安全的,这仍然是一个悬而未决的问题。我们有动力解决这个开放性问题。我们的基本思想是通过允许有条件地替换用户的公共密钥来稍微增强Ⅱ类对手的能力。我们首先以这种方式形式化CLE的新安全模型。然后,我们成功证明,如果在我们的新安全模型中CLE方案是安全的,则从CLE到CBE的Al-Riyami-Paterson泛型转换是安全的。最后,提出了一个可证明的具体安全的CBE方案,以证明我们的结果的适用性。



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