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A Battlefield Promotion and a 'Jumping JAG' Too: The Amazing Story of Nicholas E. Allen in World War II


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While many judge advocates (JAs) have soldiered well in combat, few equal the achievements of Nicholas E. Allen, who entered the Judge Advocate General's Department (JAGD) as a second lieutenant (2LT) in 1942 and, when the fighting in Europe ceased in May 1945, was a lieutenant colonel (LTC) and the Division Judge Advocate, 82d Airborne Division. This is not because Allen made rank so quickly, although progressing from gold bars to silver oak leaves in such a short time is noteworthy. Rather, Allen stands apart from all other JAs in history because his superlative performance in combat earned him a battlefield promotion from major to LTC in November 1944—making Allen the only JA in history to have received such a distinction. Additionally, then LTC Allen made history again in March 1945 when he became the first JA to complete basic airborne training and earn the Army parachutist badge.
机译:尽管许多法官拥护者(JAs)在战斗中表现出色,但很少有人能与尼古拉斯·艾伦(Nicholas E. Allen)取得的成就相提并论。后者于1942年以副陆军中尉(2LT)的身份进入司法部首席法官(JAGD),并且在欧洲的战斗停止后1945年5月,他是中校(LTC)和空降师82d的师级法官辩护人。这并不是因为艾伦的排名如此之快,尽管在如此短的时间内从金条发展到银橡树叶是值得注意的。而是,艾伦(Allen)与历史上所有其他JA脱颖而出,因为他在战斗中的出色表现使他在1944年11月从专业级晋升为LTC成为战场上的晋升,这使艾伦(Allen)成为历史上唯一获得这种殊荣的JA。此外,LTC Allen于1945年3月再次成为历史,成为第一位完成基本空降训练并获得陆军飞将军徽章的JA。



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