首页> 外文期刊>The architects' journal >As you prod at the turkey stuck in your teeth, take a moment to ponder the technology of your toothpick, says Adam Leith Gollner

As you prod at the turkey stuck in your teeth, take a moment to ponder the technology of your toothpick, says Adam Leith Gollner

机译:亚当·莱斯·戈尔纳(Adam Leith Gollner)说:

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We've always picked our teeth. Scrape marks on early human incisors suggest the use of twigs and grass. Since then we've used cactus thorns, spider fangs, vulture quills, dried mosquitoes, raccoon penises and rat thigh bones ('once valued in social clubs'). As mundane and flimsy as toothpicks appear, their story is meatier than one might imagine, as Henry Petroski's 464-page book testifies.
机译:我们一直咬牙切齿。早期人类切牙上的刮痕表明使用了树枝和草。从那时起,我们就使用了仙人掌刺,蜘蛛牙,秃鹰羽毛笔,蚊子,浣熊的阴茎和老鼠的大腿骨头(“曾经被社交俱乐部所重视”)。正如亨利·佩特尔斯基(Henry Petroski)长达464页的书所证明的那样,牙签的平凡而脆弱,其故事比人们想象的要丰富。




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