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Kester Rattenbury swallows her cynicism and braves the Southwark Lido

机译:凯斯特·拉滕伯里(Kester Rattenbury)吞并自己的犬儒主义,勇敢地向南华丽都

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Age can be terrible. The older critics, grouped around the bar at the launch of the Southwark Lido, the Architecture Foundations installation for the London Festival of Architecture, were giving off a whiff of cynicism. More scaffold-housed fun knocked together under unlikely circumstances? More beautiful naked French people? How dull. What did the Southwark Lido have that the last Venice Biennale French Pavilion, also designed by EXYZT, didn't? A full-size swimming pool, it wasn't. The lap pool would have accepted a swimming club of dachshunds, nothing bigger. You couldn't help feeling disappointed (I had my swim suit), but otherwise, I disavow every cynical urge. Like the French Pavilion, a busy and fun open house that offered a rooftop sauna at all hours, it changed the way in which a building works, rather than pontificating about it.
机译:年龄可能很糟糕。在伦敦艺术节的建筑基金会装置Southwark Lido推出时,围坐在酒吧旁的年长批评家散发出一种愤世嫉俗的气息。在不太可能的情况下,更多的脚手架乐趣会聚在一起吗?更美丽的裸体法国人吗?没意思Southwark Lido有什么,而EXYZT设计的最后一个威尼斯双年展法国馆则没有?没有一个全尺寸的游泳池。小型游泳池将接受腊肠犬的游泳俱乐部,再没有比这更大的了。你忍不住感到失望(我穿了泳衣),但是否则,我拒绝所有愤世嫉俗的冲动。就像法国馆一样,这是一个忙碌而有趣的开放式房屋,随时提供屋顶桑拿,它改变了建筑物的工作方式,而不是对其进行修饰。



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