首页> 外文期刊>The architects' journal >Critic's Choice The Estorick is home to a timeless collection of modern Italian art, writes Andrew Mead

Critic's Choice The Estorick is home to a timeless collection of modern Italian art, writes Andrew Mead

机译:评论家的选择安德鲁·米德(Andrew Mead)写道,埃斯托里克(Estoric)是永恒的现代意大利艺术收藏之地

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Northampton Lodge, a late-Georgian villa at the corner of Canonbury Square in Islington, north London, was once the home of Basil Spence's practice and later that of Sandy Wilsons. But for the last 10 years it has served as a gallery, housing the Estorick Collection of modern Italian art. Tate director Nicholas Serota led the tributes at the recent anniversary party, while Michael Estorick -son of the collection's founder - launched a funny but blistering attack on the philistinism of the current government.
机译:北安普顿旅馆是伦敦北部伊斯灵顿卡农伯里广场拐角处的格鲁吉亚晚期别墅,曾经是罗勒·斯潘塞(Basil Spence)和后来的桑迪·威尔逊(Sandy Wilsons)的所在地。但在过去的十年中,它一直是一个画廊,收藏着Estorick现代意大利艺术收藏。泰特美术馆馆长尼古拉斯·塞罗塔(Nicholas Serota)在最近的周年纪念晚会上致敬,而该系列创始人的儿子迈克尔·埃斯托里克(Michael Estorick)对现任政府的非政府性发动了一次有趣而狂烈的抨击。



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