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Knitwear with appeal


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French charm from Dusseldorf: the fact that in 1995 the French family Vequad created the Attitude label in the Rhine metropolis has to do with private rather than strategic reasons. It could have been Paris. The label for easy to care for knitwear has long since advanced to becoming a competent label in the market niche. Jean-Alexandre Vequaud believes that the enormous success is due to their stringent concept. "We work with complex cutting patterns, which we then convert into knitwear. This is difficult, requires in-depth knowledge and is hard to copy." In producing the garments ourselves we are able to guarantee a high standard of quality. 60% of the Attitude turnover is achieved abroad - particularly in France. New European markets are responding exceedingly positively to the label and we are currently promoting expansion into China. Our customers particularly value the interwoven collection and colour concept. The core of our collection comprises jackets und twin sets. We also have series of ready-made cotton mesh knit, polo shirts, and shirts made of cotton stretch as well as blazers, five-pockets, trousers and skirts in woven materials. The casual comfort of the knitwear and the full service of the collection! Proof of the success of this concept is not only the double figure growth rate, but also the enthusiastic response from the trade. Especially satisfying is that apart from very good new customers we are also continually gaining ground among existing customers. They not only value the sophisticated concept, but first and foremost our first class customer service. Successful sales are significantly supported by continual customer service and the possibility of exchanging the products. A recently published photograph in one of the main German newspapers showed the wife of the German President in Africa and wearing an Attitude jacket, "Mrs. Koehler belongs to the circle of prominent wearers that especially appreciate the timeless image of our label."
机译:杜塞尔多夫的法国魅力:1995年,法国Vequad家族在莱茵河大都市创建了Attitude标签,这一事实与私人而非战略原因有关。可能是巴黎。易于保养的针织标签早已发展成为市场利基市场中的合格标签。 Jean-Alexandre Vequaud认为,巨大的成功归功于其严格的理念。 “我们使用复杂的裁剪模式,然后将其转换为针织品。这很困难,需要深入的知识并且很难复制。”我们自己生产服装可以保证高标准的质量。 Attitude营业额的60%来自国外-尤其是在法国。欧洲新市场对该商标的反应非常积极,我们目前正在促进向中国的扩张。我们的客户特别看重交织的系列和色彩概念。我们系列的核心包括夹克和两件套。我们还提供一系列现成的棉质网眼针织衫,polo衫和棉质弹力衬衫,以及采用机织材料制成的西装外套,五口袋,裤子和半身裙。针织衫的休闲舒适感和系列的全方位服务!这一概念成功的证明不仅是两位数的增长率,而且是业界的热烈响应。特别令人满足的是,除了非常好的新客户之外,我们还在不断扩大现有客户中的占有率。他们不仅重视复杂的概念,而且最重要的是我们一流的客户服务。持续的客户服务和产品交换的可能性极大地支持了成功的销售。最近在一家德国主要报纸上刊登的一张照片显示,德国总统夫人在非洲,身穿Attitude夹克,“ Koehler女士属于著名佩戴者圈子,他们尤其欣赏我们品牌的永恒形象。”



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