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Controlled converting


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In 2000 the French company Chargeurs took a controlling interest in the Drummond Group, and almost immediately weaving director Jim Taylor began negotiations for an MBO of Drummond's weaving division. Now re-named the Heritage Textile Company Limited, strong and continuous growth has seen the Bradford-based commission weaver establish itself as a major international supplier - one which prides itself on the long-term relationships and close rapport it has with its customers. Currently employing 105 people and producing 70,000 metres of fabric per week on 51 looms, the company converts wool and wool mixtures into greige fabric for the Drummond Group - still an important customer - plus an impressive list of purchasers both in the UK and overseas. According to Jim Taylor; now owner and managing director, the company aims to be best-in-class and is committed to consistent investment across all areas of the business.
机译:2000年,法国公司Chargeurs收购了德拉蒙德集团的控股权,几乎所有织造总监吉姆·泰勒(Jim Taylor)都开始就德拉蒙德织造部门的MBO进行谈判。现在更名为Heritage Textile Company Limited,其强劲而持续的增长使总部位于布拉德福德的委员会织布厂确立了自己的地位,成为主要的国际供应商-以其与客户之间的长期关系和紧密的联系而自豪。该公司目前有105名员工,在51台织机上每周生产70,000米面料,该公司将Drummond集团(仍然是重要客户)将羊毛和羊毛混合物加工成坯布,此外,在英国和海外,采购商数量众多。根据吉姆·泰勒(Jim Taylor)的说法;公司现在是所有者和董事总经理,其目标是成为一流公司,并致力于在业务的各个领域进行一致的投资。



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