首页> 外文期刊>Textile history >'the Patricia Harris Gallery Of Textiles And Costume', Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada. Exhibition Curators: Alexandra Palmer And Anu Livandi; Curatorial Consultant: John Vollmer. April 2008

'the Patricia Harris Gallery Of Textiles And Costume', Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada. Exhibition Curators: Alexandra Palmer And Anu Livandi; Curatorial Consultant: John Vollmer. April 2008

机译:加拿大多伦多皇家安大略博物馆,“帕特里夏·哈里斯纺织品和服装画廊”。展览策展人:亚历山德拉·帕尔默和阿努·利万迪;策展顾问:约翰·沃尔默(John Vollmer)。 2008年4月

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exhibition space and is a much needed addition to Toronto's homogenous architectural landscape and to its streets' aesthetic culture. However, as is often the case with architectural projects of this magnitude, particularly those residing within the public trust, the Libeskind signature design was not only controversial, but posed significant challenges to the curators of the ROM's varied departments. The Patricia Harris Gallery of Textiles and Costume situated on the fourth floor of the new Crystal was certainly no exception.
机译:展览空间,是多伦多同质建筑景观和街道美学文化的急需补充。但是,与如此规模的建筑项目(尤其是那些位于公众信任范围内的建筑项目)一样,Libeskind签名设计不仅引起争议,而且对ROM各个部门的策展人构成了重大挑战。位于新水晶大厦四楼的帕特里夏·哈里斯(Patricia Harris)纺织品和服装画廊当然也不例外。



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