




Top Story nnWall St. Journal* -- Cisco Systems and AT&T are leading a $15.5 million round of new investment into Akimbo Systems, a start-up that channels Internet-based programs to TV sets (Financial Times*). nnAmong OthersnnWSJ -- The bidders fighting over PCCW, Macquarie and Texas Pacific, are waiting for a sign of Beijing’s stance.nn -- The EU may launch an inquiry into possible anticompetitive behavior in the telecom industry next year, according to the bloc’s top antitrust regulator.nn -- Japan’s Softbank said phones to be offered by its mobile arm will provide direct connections to the Internet through a Yahoo portal site.nnFT -- BT Group and KDDI Corporation will unveil plans for a joint venture that will enable them to provide and manage global communications networks for leading Japanese companies. nn -- The prospect of a Chinese govt. firm becoming the largest shareholder in Hong Kong’s core telecom network has raised concerns among lawmakers.nnN.Y. Times -- Microsoft plans to offer a strategy Mon. describing how it intends to transform telecom in much the same way it changed the computing world in the 1980s. nn -- Ninety percent of those in Taipei, Taiwan, can access its wireless network, but just 40,000 of 2.6 million residents pay to use it. nnWashington Post -- Corporate giants are squaring off in a battle over whether Congress should allow cable and telephone companies to charge add-on fees to others for access to their networks. nn -- When Helio LLC wanted to market a new $250 ultra-high-tech cellphone this year, it targeted 3 distinct groups: Spoiled teens, tech geeks and Korean Americans. nnCommunications Daily -- The FCC will go after a pretexter, with a vote for a notice of apparent liability against a company selling phone records on the Internet teed up for the July meeting (p1; Washington Internet Daily, p7).nn -- Competitive carriers withdrew a 15-month-old petition for forbearance of network unbundling rules after FCC commissioners indicated it might not be approved (p2).nn -- State regulators pressed for an amendment to the Senate telecom bill to remove wireless preemption language (p8).nn -- Financial and regulatory realities of triple-play deployment favor cable, though the Bells will get some help from the FCC later this year, UBS analysts said Fri. (p9). nnAtlanta Journal-Constitution -- A Senate hearing Thurs. intended to explore the consumer impact of a AT&T-BellSouth merger instead turned into a contentious face-off over phone privacy. nnL.A. Times -- The start-up Freebox is taking on France Telecom.nnnnBy using our e-mail delivery service, you understand and agree that we may use tracking software to ensure accurate electronic delivery and copyright compliance. This software forwards to us certain technical data and newsletter usage information from any computer that opens this email. We do not share this information with anyone outside the company, nor do we use it for any commercial purpose. For more information about our data collection practices, please see our Privacy Policy. nn n nn_____________________nn*The Wall St. Journal and the Financial Times can be accessed online via paid subscription only.
机译:思科公司和AT&T正在牵头向Akimbo Systems进行一轮1,550万美元的新投资,这是一家将基于Internet的节目引导到电视机的初创公司(《金融时报》 *)。 nnWSN-争夺电讯盈科,麦格理和德克萨斯太平洋地区的竞标者正在等待北京的立场信号.nn-欧盟可能对明年电信行业的反竞争行为进行调查监管机构.nn-日本软银表示,其移动部门将提供的电话将通过Yahoo门户网站提供与Internet的直接连接.nnFT-BT集团和KDDI公司将公布一项合资计划,使它们能够提供并管理日本领先企业的全球通讯网络。 nn-中国政府的前景。该公司成为香港核心电信网络的第一大股东,引起了立法者的关注。时报-微软计划在周一提供一项战略。描述了它打算如何以与1980年代改变计算机世界的方式几乎相同的方式来改造电信。 nn-台湾台北市百分之九十的人可以访问其无线网络,但260万居民中只有40,000付费使用该网络。华盛顿邮报-企业巨头们正在就国会是否应允许有线和电话公司向他人收取接入其网络的附加费的斗争进行争执。 nn-当Helio LLC今年想要销售一款新的价格为250美元的超高科技手机时,它的目标受众是3个不同的群体:宠坏的青少年,科技极客和韩裔美国人。 nn《通讯日报》-FCC将追捕一名发贴人,并投票表决对在7月会议上出售互联网电话记录的公司承担明显责任的通知(p1;《华盛顿互联网日报》 p7).nn-有竞争力在FCC专员表示可能不获批准之后,运营商撤回了15个月的请愿书,要求其取消网络捆绑规则(nn)-州监管机构要求对参议院电信法案进行修正,以删除无线抢占语言(p8)。 .nn-瑞银(UBS)分析师弗里(Fri)说,尽管三重播放部署的财务和监管现实都支持电缆,但贝尔公司将在今年晚些时候从FCC获得一些帮助。 (p9)。 nnAtlanta Journal-Constitution-参议院听证会星期四。旨在探讨AT&T-BellSouth合并对消费者的影响,却变成了电话隐私权之争。 nnL.A.时报-初创公司Freebox正在使用我们的电子邮件传送服务接管France Telecom.nnnn,您了解并同意,我们可以使用跟踪软件来确保准确的电子传送和版权合规性。该软件会从任何打开此电子邮件的计算机上将某些技术数据和新闻通讯使用信息转发给我们。我们不会与公司外部的任何人共享此信息,也不会将其用于任何商业目的。有关我们的数据收集做法的更多信息,请参阅我们的隐私政策。 nn n nn _____________________ nn *《华尔街日报》和《金融时报》只能通过付费订阅在线访问。


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    《Telecom A.M》 |2006年第122期|P.1-1|共1页
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