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Dish ‘Intentionally Concealed’ AutoHop in Retrans Talks, CBS Now Alleges

机译:哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)称,菜鸟“故意隐瞒” AutoHop

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Dish Network "intentionally concealed" AutoHop when negotiating with CBS on a retransmissionnagreement the parties signed Jan. 5, 2012, the broadcast network said in an amended complaint Tuesday innits ongoing legal battle over the DBS company's commercial-skipping feature. The amended complaint innU.S. District Court in Manhattan adds "fraudulent concealment and inducement" allegations against Dishnfor failing to disclose AutoHop during the retrans negotiations, CBS said. The network meanwhile wasnthe subject of a letter a nonprofit that seeks changes to FCC retrans rules sent the agency. Public Knowledgenlinked the issue to the broadcaster's directing its CNET news website to pull Dish's new Hopper withnSling DVR from consideration for its Best of CES awards (CD Jan 14 p14).
机译:Dish Network在与CBS就双方于2012年1月5日签署的重播协议进行谈判时“故意隐瞒”了AutoHop,该广播网络周二在一项修改后的投诉中说,这与DBS公司的商业跳过功能引发了持续的法律斗争。修改后的投诉书CBS说,曼哈顿地方法院增加了“欺诈性的隐瞒和诱使”指控,称Dishnfor没有在重新交易谈判中透露AutoHop。同时,该网络不是寻求更改FCC重新传输规则的非营利组织寄给该机构的信的主题。 Public Knowledgen将问题与广播公司联系在一起,指示其CNET新闻网站将Dish的新Hopper withnSling DVR从其Best of CES奖项的考虑中撤出(CD 1月14日,第14页)。



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