首页> 外文期刊>Tectonics >Serpentinite-Rich Gouge in a Creeping Segment of the Bartlett Springs Fault, Northern California: Comparison With SAFOD and Implications for Seismic Hazard

Serpentinite-Rich Gouge in a Creeping Segment of the Bartlett Springs Fault, Northern California: Comparison With SAFOD and Implications for Seismic Hazard


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An exposure of a creeping segment of the Bartlett Springs Fault (BSF), part of the San Andreas Fault system in northern California, is a 1.5-m-wide zone of serpentinite-bearing fault gouge cutting through Late Pleistocene fluvial deposits. The fault gouge consists of porphyroclasts of antigorite serpentinite, talc, chlorite, and tremolite-actinolite, along with some Franciscan metamorphic rocks, in a matrix of the same materials. The Mg-mineral assemblage is stable at temperatures above 250-300 degrees C. The BSF gouge is interpreted to have been tectonically incorporated into the fault from depths near the base of the seismogenic zone and to have risen buoyantly to the surface where it is now undergoing right-lateral displacement. The ultramafic-rich composition, frictional properties, and inferred mode of emplacement of the BSF serpentinitic gouge correspond to those of the creeping traces of the San Andreas Fault identified in the SAFOD (San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth) drill hole. This suggests a common origin for creep at both locations. A tectonic model for the source of the ultramafic-rich materials in the BSF is proposed that potentially could explain the distribution of creep throughout the northernmost San Andreas Fault system.
机译:加利福尼亚北部圣安德烈亚斯断层系统一部分的巴特利特斯普林斯断层(BSF)的蠕变段暴露于一条1.5 m宽的蛇纹岩断层断层泥中,该断层切穿了晚更新世河床沉积物。断层泥是由蛇纹石蛇纹石,滑石,绿泥石和透闪石-阳起石的卟啉组成,以及一些弗朗西斯科变质岩,由相同的材料构成。镁矿物组合在250-300摄氏度以上的温度下是稳定的。BSF凿岩被解释为从地震发生带底部附近的深度以构造方式并入断层中,并且浮力上升到现在所在的表面经历右移。 BSF蛇纹岩泥的富含超镁铁质成分,摩擦特性和推论的模位与在SAFOD(圣安德烈亚斯断层天文台深度)钻孔中识别出的圣安德烈亚斯断层的蠕变痕迹相对应。这表明在两个位置都有共同的蠕变起源。提出了BSF中富含超镁铁质物质来源的构造模型,该模型可能可以解释整个最北端的圣安德烈亚斯断层系统的蠕变分布。



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