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Basement structure and its influence on the structural configuration of the northern North Sea rift


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The northern North Sea rift basin developed on a heterogeneous crust comprising structures inherited from the Caledonian orogeny and Devonian postorogenic extension. Integrating two-dimensional regional seismic reflection data and information from basement wells, we investigate the prerift structural configuration in the northern North Sea rift. Three seismic facies have been defined below the base rift surface: (1) relatively low-amplitude and low-frequency reflections, interpreted as pre-Caledonian metasediments, Caledonian nappes, and/or Devonian clastic sediments; (2) packages of high-amplitude dipping reflections (>500ms thick), interpreted as basement shear zones; and (3) medium-amplitude and high-frequency reflections interpreted as less sheared crystalline basement of Proterozoic and Paleozoic (Caledonian) origin. Some zones of Seismic Facies 2 can be linked to onshore Devonian shear zones, whereas others are restricted to the offshore rift area. Interpreted offshore shear zones dip S, ESE, and WNW in contrast to W to NW dipping shear zones onshore West Norway. Our results indicate that Devonian strain and ductile deformation was distributed throughout the Caledonian orogenic belt from central South Norway to the Shetland Platform. Most of the Devonian basins related to this extension are, however, removed by erosion during subsequent exhumation. Basement shear zones reactivated during the rifting and locally control the location and geometry of rift depocenters, e.g., in the Stord and East Shetland basins. Prerift structures with present-day dips >15 degrees were reactivated, although some of the basement shear zones are displaced by rift faults regardless of their orientation relative to rift extension direction.
机译:北海北部裂谷盆地发育在异质地壳上,该地壳包括从加里东造山带和泥盆纪后造山带继承的构造。整合二维区域地震反射数据和来自地下井的信息,我们研究了北海裂谷北部的预裂构造构造。在基础裂谷表面之下已定义了三个地震相:(1)相对低振幅和低频的反射,被解释为卡利多时期前的准沉积,加里东的推覆和/或泥盆纪的碎屑沉积; (2)高振幅倾角反射(> 500ms厚)的包裹,被解释为基底剪切带; (3)中振幅和高频反射被认为是元古生代和古生代(Caledonian)剪切力较小的晶体基底。地震相2的某些区域可以与陆上泥盆纪剪切带相连,而另一些则仅限于海上裂谷区。与挪威西部陆上从W到NW的浸渍剪切带相比,解释性的近海剪切带沿S,ESE和WNW倾斜。我们的结果表明泥盆纪应变和韧性变形分布在从南挪威中部到设得兰群岛平台的整个加里东造山带中。但是,与该扩展有关的泥盆纪盆地大部分都在随后的掘尸过程中被侵蚀所清除。裂谷过程中基底剪切带重新激活,并局部控制裂谷沉积中心的位置和几何形状,例如在斯特德盆地和东设得兰盆地。尽管某些基底剪切带由于裂谷断层而发生位移,而不管其相对于裂谷伸展方向的取向如何,但如今倾斜度大于15度的预裂结构被重新激活。



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