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The Tablet PC Nonrevolution


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I Ordinarily type my columns. But since this column is about tablet computing, I decided to compose it in longhand on the Compaq tc1100 tablet computer that Hewlett-Packard lent me earlier this year. For people who never learned typing, or for those who find it a painful chore, writing on a computer's screen and having your words turned into beautiful text must be a liberating experience. I'll never know: I learned to type when I was in ninth grade and can easily crank out 120 words per minute. Still, Microsoft's Tablet PC edition of Windows XP has a handwriting recognizer that's nearly flawless. This computer was able to recognize my weird mixture of printing and cursive the very first time I picked up the stylus: neither I nor the computer required any training. The tablet PC could even recognize my seven-year-old daughter's handwriting-misspellings and all! In fact, it corrected each word as she went on to the next.
机译:我通常键入我的列。但是由于本专栏文章是关于平板电脑的,所以我决定在惠普今年早些时候借给我的Compaq tc1100平板电脑上进行长期撰写。对于从未学习过打字的人,或发现繁琐的工作的人,在计算机屏幕上书写并将您的单词变成漂亮的文字必须是一种解放的体验。我永远不会知道:九年级时我学会打字,并且可以轻松地每分钟输出120个单词。不过,微软的Windows XP平板电脑版本具有几乎没有缺陷的手写识别器。我第一次拿起手写笔时,这台计算机就能识别出我的印刷和草书的怪异混合物:我和计算机都不需要任何培训。平板电脑甚至可以识别我七岁女儿的手写拼写错误!实际上,当她继续下一个单词时,它纠正了每个单词。



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