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Representation and Power


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In 1492 Elio Antonio de Nebrija approached Queen Isabella of Spain to ask for her support for the first grammar of the Castilian language. Ivan Illich tells the story: "But unlike the request of Columbus, who wanted resources to establish a new route to the China of Marco Polo, [the request] of Nebrija urges the Queen to invade a new domain at home. He offers Isabella a tool to colonize the language spoken by her own subjects; he wants her to replace the people's speech by the imposition of the queen's lengua—her language, her tongue." Nebrija's argument went thus: "My illustrious Queen. Whenever I ponder over the tokens of the past that have been preserved in writing, I am forced to the very same conclusion. Language has always been the consort of empire, and forever shall remain its mate. Together, they come into being, together they grow and flower, and together they decline." Without a grammar, Nebrija continued, the people's unbound and ungoverned speech was a challenge to the crown. Grammar would impose rules on speech and writing and thus help bring the people's thoughts under the control of central authority.
机译:1492年,埃里奥·安东尼奥·德·内布里贾(Elio Antonio de Nebrija)向西班牙伊莎贝拉女王(Queen Isabella)求助,要求她支持卡斯蒂利亚语的第一种语法。伊万·伊里奇(Ivan Illich)讲述了这个故事:“但与哥伦布的要求不同,哥伦布希望获得资源以建立通往马可·波罗中国的新路线,内布里贾(要求)敦促女王在自己的家中入侵一个新领域。殖民自己的臣民所使用的语言的工具;他希望她用女王的伦加语(她的语言,她的舌头)代替人们的讲话。”内布里贾的论据是这样的:“我杰出的女王。每当我思考书面保留下来的过去的记号时,我都被迫得出同样的结论。语言一直是帝国的宠儿,永远永远是我们的伴侣。在一起,它们就应运而生,一起生长,开花,一起,它们衰落。”内布里贾继续说,没有语法,人民的无拘无束的言论是对王冠的挑战。语法将对演讲和写作施加规则,从而有助于将人民的思想置于中央权威的控制之下。



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