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The International Traffic in Pesticides


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The general problem of environmental equity is examined in terms of the flow of pesticides from the developed countries (DCs) to the less developed countries (LDCs). Five facets of the problem are examined. The nature and scope of the international pesticide flow is first examined. Political-economic forces characterizing relations between (and within) DCs and LDCs that have increased the pesticide flow to the LDCs are discussed. The extent to which this stream has contributed to health, environmental, and other risks in LDCs is discussed. Major policies that have been proposed and enacted as solutions to the problem are critically reviewed. The article concludes with the argument that the adoption of sustainable techniques of pest control is the best means for dealing with the problem. . . . pesticides are an ideal product: like heroin, they promise paradise and deliver addiction [1, p. xv]. We stand now where two roads diverge. But unlike the roads in Robert Frost's familiar poem, they are not equally fair. The road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy, a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed, but at its end lies disaster. The other fork of the road-the one "less traveled by"-offers our last, our only chance to reach a destination that assures the preservation of our earth [2, p. 277].
机译:根据农药从发达国家(DC)流向欠发达国家(LDC)的流向,对环境公平这一普遍问题进行了研究。研究了该问题的五个方面。首先检查了国际农药流动的性质和范围。讨论了表征DC和LDC之间(以及内部)之间的关系的政治经济力量,这种关系增加了农药向LDC的流动。讨论了该水流对最不发达国家的健康,环境和其他风险的影响程度。严格审查了已提出并作为解决该问题的方法而制定的主要政策。本文的结论是,采用可持续的虫害控制技术是解决该问题的最佳手段。 。 。 。农药是一种理想的产品:像海洛因一样,它们有望成为天堂并带来成瘾[1,p。1。 xv]。我们现在站在两条道路分开的地方。但是,与罗伯特·弗罗斯特(Robert Frost)熟悉的诗歌中的道路不同,它们并不平等。我们长期旅行的道路看似很容易,这是一条平滑的高速公路,我们可以在上面快速前进,但最终却是灾难。道路的另一分支-一个“人迹罕至”的道路-提供了我们的最后一个机会,这是我们到达目的地的唯一机会,该目的地确保了我们的地球得以保存[2,p。2。 277]。



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