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Ralph Lane's 1586 Discourse on the First Colony. The Renaissance Commercial Report as Apologia

机译:拉尔夫·莱恩(Ralph Lane)1586年关于第一殖民地的论述。文艺复兴商业报道

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In 1584 Sir Walter Raleigh received from Queen Elizabeth a patent to colonize any region of North America not possessed by a Christian prince. In 1585 he sent a fleet of seven ships to plant a colony under the governorship of Ralph Lane on Roanoke Island near what is now the Outer Banks of North Carolina. The colony lasted less than a year and then returned to England, where Lane produced a commercial report explaining the failure. Using research from speech communication on the rhetoric of apologia, this essay analyzes Lane's attempts to answer four criticisms of his governorship: that he mistreated the Indians, that he failed to explore the region to find commodities valuable to Raleigh and his investors, that he was an incompetent military commander, and that he deserted the colony. The essay also evaluates Lane's recommendations that future colonies be established further north on the Chesapeake Bay.
机译:1584年,沃尔特·罗利爵士(Walter Raleigh)爵士从伊丽莎白女王那里获得了一项专利,以殖民一个基督教王子不拥有的北美地区。 1585年,他派遣一支由7艘船组成的舰队在罗阿诺克岛的拉尔夫·莱恩(Ralph Lane)统治下,在现在的北卡罗来纳州外滩附近建立一个殖民地。殖民地持续了不到一年的时间,然后回到了英格兰,莱恩出示了一份商业报告,解释了失败的原因。通过对言语交流的研究,对莱恩的言论进行了分析,本文分析了莱恩对他对州长的四种批评的回答:他虐待印度人,他未能探索该地区以寻找对罗利及其投资者有价值的商品,一个无能的军事指挥官,他离开了殖民地。本文还评估了莱恩的建议,即在切萨皮克湾以北再建未来的殖民地。



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