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Prediscursive Technical Communication in the Early American Iron Industry


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Examining the discourse surrounding the charcoal iron industry between 1760 and 1860 in North America, this article suggests that, prior to the industrialization of work, technical communication took place in a prediscursive setting, an oral and physical world that we can just manage to glimpse even as we watch it recede. The letters of Robert Erskine written in 1770 illustrate the prediscursive methods of technical communication. By the 1860s, a flood of governmental, professional, and commercial publications appeared, each signifying the disappearance of this prediscursive world. This transition from prediscursive to discursive methods may mark one of the largest changes in the history of technical communication.
机译:考察北美在1760年至1860年之间围绕木炭行业的论述,本文表明,在工作产业化之前,技术交流是在一种先驱性的环境下进行的,我们可以设法窥见甚至是一个口头和物理的世界当我们看着它消退时。罗伯特·厄斯金(Robert Erskine)于1770年写的信阐明了技术交流的先行性方法。到1860年代,出现了大量的政府,专业和商业出版物,每种出版物都预示着这种先驱性世界的消失。从前递归方法到话语方法的转变可能标志着技术交流史上最大的变化之一。



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