首页> 外文期刊>Swiss journal of geosciences >Earliest record of rhinocerotoids (Mammalia: Perissodactyla) from Switzerland: systematics and biostratigraphy

Earliest record of rhinocerotoids (Mammalia: Perissodactyla) from Switzerland: systematics and biostratigraphy


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Earliest rhinocerotoids from Switzerland are reviewed on the basis of dental remains from the earliest Oligocene north-central Jura Molasse localities of Bressaucourt (MP21/22) and Kleinblauen (top MP22). The record in Bress-aucourt is restricted to Ronzotherium and Cadurcotherium, representing Switzerland's oldest, well-dated post-"Grande Coupure" large mammal association, the only occurrence of Cadurcotherium, and the earliest occurrence of rhinocerotoids in Switzerland. The correlation with high-resolution stratigraphy of this locality permitted a dating of the fauna to ca. 32.6 Ma, less than a million years after the "Grande Coupure" event. The rhinocerotoids of Kleinblauen are represented by Epiaceratherium, Ronzotherium and Eggyso-don. With the presence of Plagiolophus ministri, they are the only well-dated Swiss post-"Grande Coupure" large mammal assemblage with the persistence of an endemic pre-"Grandc Coupure" taxon. Moreover, the coexistence ofrnEpiaceratherium magnum and E. aff. magnum could indicate a new speciation within the Epiaceratherium lineage around the top of MP22. The rhinocer-otoid associations of Bressaucourt with Ronzotherium - Cadurcotherium on the western side of the southernmost Rhine Graben area, and Kleinblauen with Epiaceratherium - Ronzotherium - Eggysodon on the eastern side, respectively, reveal a possible environmental barrier constituted by the Early Oligocene Rhenish sea and its eventual connection with the Perialpine sea. This one could have separated an arid area in central-eastern France from a humid area in Switzerland and Germany. These results, combined with the repartition of similar rhinocerotoid associations in Western Europe, also give new insights into an alternative earliest Oligocene dispersal route of rhinocerotoids from Asia towards Western Europe via North Italy.
机译:根据最早的渐新世北中部汝拉莫拉斯(Bressaucourt)地区(MP21 / 22)和克莱因布劳恩地区(MP22顶部)的牙齿残留物,对瑞士最早的鼻类类胡萝卜素进行了审查。 Bress-aucourt的记录仅限于Ronzotherium和Cadurcotherium,它们代表了瑞士最古老的,历史悠久的“盛大政变”后大型哺乳动物协会,是Cadurcotherium的唯一出现,也是最早出现在美国的鼻犀类。与该地区高分辨率地层的相关性使得该动物群的年代可以追溯到大约。 32.6 Ma,距“ Grande Coupure”事件不到一百万年。 Kleinblauen的犀牛类鼻祖以Epiaceratherium,Ronzotherium和Eggyso-don为代表。在存在小角柏的情况下,它们是唯一的年代久远的瑞士后“大政变”大型哺乳动物种群,并带有流行的“大政变”分类单元。此外,大表皮和大肠埃希菌并存。大酒瓶可能表明在MP22顶部周围的上ac动脉谱系内出现了新的物种。最南端的莱茵河格拉本地区西侧的Bressaucourt与Ronzotherium-Cadurcotherium的犀牛-齿酸联结,以及在东侧的Kleinblauen与Epiaceratherium-Ronzotherium-Eggysodon的犀牛-酸缔合,揭示了由渐新世的早熟的印度海和它最终与Perialpine海有关。这可能使法国中东部的干旱地区与瑞士和德国的潮湿地区分开。这些结果,再加上西欧类似鼻犀科动物协会的重新划分,也为犀牛科类动物从亚洲经由意大利北部向西欧的最早渐新世传播途径提供了新的见解。



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