首页> 外文期刊>Swiss Journal of Geosciences >Acervulinid macroid and rhodolith facies in the Eocene Nummulitic Limestone of the Dauphinois Domain (Maritime Alps, Liguria, Italy)

Acervulinid macroid and rhodolith facies in the Eocene Nummulitic Limestone of the Dauphinois Domain (Maritime Alps, Liguria, Italy)


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The Eocene Nummulitic Limestone of the Dauphinois domain in the Argentina Valley (Maritime Alps, Liguria, Italy) is characterized by the local presence of carbonate ramp facies rich in acervulinid macroids, rhodoliths and larger foraminifera. The development of these particular facies is mainly controlled by palaeomorphology of the substratum, tectonics, type and amount of terrigenous supply and global sea level changes. The Upper Cretaceous to Eocene succession outcropping in the Argentina Valley shows differences in facies and age if compared to the typical succession of the Maritime Alps: – the Cretaceous substratum is younger (early Maastrichtian) and is followed by an unconformity that is interpreted as a submarine discontinuity surface; – the first Eocene carbonate deposits are older (late Lutetian); – the Nummulitic Limestone is characterized by the development of carbonate facies deposited in a deep infralittoral-circalittoral setting of a carbonate ramp, sheltered from terrigenous input; in these facies encrusting foraminifera (Solenomeris) replace calcareous red algae in nodules similar to rhodoliths (acervulinid macroids); – the Nummulitic Limestone is thicker than usual, reaching 110–160 m of thickness.
机译:阿根廷山谷(意大利阿尔卑斯山,阿尔卑斯山,阿尔卑斯山)的陶皮诺瓦斯地区的始新世努木岩灰岩的特征是,当地富含碳酸盐斜坡岩相,菱纹石和较大的有孔虫。这些特殊相的发育主要受基底古地貌,构造,陆源供应的类型和数量以及全球海平面变化的控制。与典型的海事阿尔卑斯山脉相比,阿根廷河谷上白垩统至始新世的露头显示出相和年龄上的差异:–白垩纪地层较年轻(马斯特里赫特早期),其次是不整合面,被认为是潜艇不连续面–第一批始新世碳酸盐岩较老(路特田晚期); –褐铁质石灰岩的特征是沉积在碳酸盐岩坡道的深层下-周-周环境中的碳酸盐岩相的发育,并避免了陆源输入;在这些相中,有孔的有孔虫(Solenomeris)取代了类似于红石(结节藻类巨人类)的结节中的钙质红藻; –褐云母石灰岩比通常的要厚,达到110-160 m的厚度。



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