首页> 外文期刊>Swiss Journal of Geosciences >Structural geology and petrography of the Naret region (northern Valle Maggia, N.Ticino, Switzerland)

Structural geology and petrography of the Naret region (northern Valle Maggia, N.Ticino, Switzerland)


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The Naret region has a complex geological history of Alpine polyphase folding and metamorphism that affected pre-Alpine rocks of the Maggia nappe, including the Matorello group (interpreted in this study as late-Variscan intrusives), the Lebendun nappe and Mesozoic rocks of the Bedretto zone. From field observations, four main ductile deformation phases (D1 to D4) can be distinguished and, in combination with thermodynamic modelling, the tectono-metamorphic evolution for the Naret region can be reconstructed. D1 formed the initial nappe stack. During this phase, the Maggia nappe was thrust over the Lebendun nappe, at T ≤ 570°C and P ≤ 10 kbar. D2 caused isoclinal refolding of the nappe pile, at around 610–640°C and 8.5–10 kbar, and produced both the main regional foliation (S2) and a penetrative stretching lineation which is generally parallel to F2 fold axes. D2 is largely responsible for the current complicated geometry of the Lebendun nappe boundary. The main phase of porphyroblastesis occurred between D2 and D3, corresponding to a metamorphic temperature peak of ca. 640–650°C at pressures of ca. 8–9 kbar. D3 produced open folds oblique to the general Alpine trend (“crossfolding”) and locally a crenulation cleavage with a well developed crenulation lineation, at estimated temperatures of 550–610°C. The last important phase, D4, caused open backfolding of all pre-existing structures and is responsible for steepening of the main S2 foliation, to produce the Northern Steep Zone, and for a regional rotation of S3 and L3. D4 developed at T ≥ 550°C and P ≥ 3 kbar. The Lebendun nappe is a complicated structure developed as the result of non-coaxial fold interference related to D1 and D2. From tectono-stratigraphic evidence, the rocks of the Lebendun nappe are interpreted as pre-Triassic in age.
机译:纳雷特地区具有复杂的高山多相折叠和变质作用的地质历史,影响了玛吉亚推覆的阿尔卑斯前岩,包括马托雷洛群(在本研究中被解释为晚瓦里斯干侵入体),勒本敦推覆和贝德雷托的中生代岩石区。通过现场观察,可以区分出四个主要的延性变形相(D 1 至D 4 ),并与热力学模型相结合,对纳雷特地区的构造-变质演化可以重建。 D 1 形成了初始的尿布堆栈。在此阶段,Maggia尿布被推到Lebendun尿布上,温度为T≤570°C,P≤10 kbar。 D 2 在大约610–640°C和8.5–10 kbar时引起了尿布堆的等位面折返,并产生了主要的区域叶面化(S 2 )和渗透拉伸线,通常平行于F 2 折叠轴。 D 2 在很大程度上导致了当前Lebendun推覆边界复杂的几何形状。卟啉成矿作用的主要阶段发生在D 2 和D 3 之间,对应于ca的变质温度峰。大约在640–650°C的压力下。 8–9 kbar。 D 3 产生的褶皱倾斜于总体阿尔卑斯趋势(“交叉褶皱”),并在估计的温度为550-610°C时局部出现了具完善的齿状纹的齿状裂。最后一个重要阶段D 4 导致所有先前存在的结构发生向后翻折,并导致S 2 主要叶面变陡,从而产生了北部陡峭带,以及S 3 和L 3 的区域旋转。 D 4 在T≥550°C和P≥3 kbar时出现。 Lebendun推覆是一种复杂的结构,是由于与D 1 和D 2 相关的非同轴折叠干扰而形成的。根据构造地层学证据,Lebendun推覆岩在年龄上被解释为三叠纪前。



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