首页> 外文期刊>Sustainable Energy, IEEE Transactions on >An Integrated Dynamic Market Mechanism for Real-Time Markets and Frequency Regulation

An Integrated Dynamic Market Mechanism for Real-Time Markets and Frequency Regulation


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The intermittent and uncertain nature of renewables represents a major challenge for large scale adoption of sustainable energy resources. Of particular concern is the need to maintain both quality of grid frequency and low costs of regulation reserves in the face of increasing fluctuations in renewables. To this end, we propose an integrated dynamic market mechanism (DMM), which combines real-time market and frequency regulation allowing market players, including renewable generators and flexible consumers, to iteratively negotiate electricity prices at the wholesale level while using the most recent information on the available wind power and the quality of grid frequency. Main features of the integrated DMM are as follows: 1) a Newton-Raphson-based method, which leads to fast convergence to the optimal dispatch; and 2) use of an aggregated frequency error as a feedback signal for the negotiation process, which leads to reduced regulation capacity requirements. The benefits of this DMM are illustrated via simulations on the IEEE 118 bus system.
机译:可再生能源的间歇性和不确定性是大规模采用可持续能源的主要挑战。尤其令人担忧的是,面对可再生能源不断增加的波动,既需要保持电网频率的质量,又要保持监管储备的低成本。为此,我们提出了一种集成的动态市场机制(DMM),该机制将实时市场和频率调节相结合,允许市场参与者(包括可再生能源发电商和灵活的消费者)在使用最新信息的情况下迭代协商批发价可用的风力和电网频率的质量。集成数字万用表的主要特征如下:1)基于牛顿-拉夫森的方法,可快速收敛到最佳调度; 2)将汇总的频率误差用作协商过程的反馈信号,从而降低了调节能力要求。该数字万用表的好处通过在IEEE 118总线系统上的仿真来说明。



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